Page 63 of Unsteady

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I get up to lock the door behind them and then turn back to Micah so we can decide how best to play this situation.

“What’s the plan, big bro?”

The idea of leaving Espy alone on the couch all night unsettles me, but I also don’t want to violate any boundaries with her or risk her waking up panicked in the middle of the night if she doesn’t remember falling asleep next to us. But it would probably be creepy to put her in one of our beds, right?

“It’s a big couch ...” I start to say, thinking maybe one of could stay down here with her.

“Dibs!” Micah whisper-shouts, gently extracting himself from the omega to arrange some blankets on the long part of the L-shaped couch and settle in.

“Jackass,” I scold halfheartedly. I should have known he’d do that, and honestly, it’s probably better that it’s a beta, not an alpha, who stays closest to Espy. Despite the wild energy pouring out of my hindbrain demanding all sorts of inappropriate action of me.

I turn off the lights, but not wanting to be away from them yet, I decide to post up on our love seat and wait for Cabe to get home. I close my eyes for just a moment, but I must doze off, because suddenly I’m being jerked awake by a sound coming from the kitchen. I blink, disoriented, but manage to make out the small figure over by the sink.

“Hey,” I whisper, getting up and moving into the kitchen.

“Sorry, did I wake you?” Espy asks, looking up at me apologetically. “I was really thirsty and needed some water.”

“Nah, it’s fine. I was supposed to be waiting for Cabe, but I guess I fell asleep.”

“I’m guessingIfell asleep. What happened to my brother?”

“Leo went back to the dorms with Lincoln. We didn’t want to wake you up, but I can walk you back now if you’d rather get home,” I offer, trying to sound sincere and not let on to the fact that I desperately want her to stay.

She bites her lip, running her finger along the rim of her glass as she seems to think about it. “Ummm ... is it okay if I just stay here?” she asks, sounding uncertain.

“Of course! I mean, yes. Please stay. Here. Please stay here.” I stumble over my words in my eagerness, my tongue running half a step ahead of my lips.

She laughs. “I guess someone really doesn’t want to brave the cold.”

“It’s not the cold. I’d take you back to Leo’s dorm in a heartbeat if that’s where you truly wanted to be right now. But I have to admit, having you here, safe and surrounded by my pack, is everything I could possibly want right now.”

My admission hangs between us, the mood growing heavier as seconds tick by.

“Today was really scary,” Espy admits, breaking the silence as her body seems to wilt slightly in front of me.

“It was scary for me too. You have no idea how glad I am that you were with Cabe and Micah when the sirens went off. If not, I don’t think I could have stayed put. I would have broken every safety protocol to find you and make sure you were okay.”

She smiles, but then her face breaks and a tear slips from her eye, and without thinking I move forward and take her into my arms, holding her to my chest as I rock her gently from side to side.

It seems neither of us has the right words, but as I breathe in the combination of our scents filling the air around us, I simply squeeze her tighter. Something in my chest eases, and when I eventually bring myself to pull back from the hug, I find Espy with dry eyes and a shy smile. My heart starts beating faster and faster, and without much thought for what I’m doing I lean in once again.

At the first touch of our lips I feel a shock run down my spine, causing my whole body to twitch and pushing me further into the small omega in my arms. It’s my first kiss, but after a few seconds my nerves give way to instinct as I swallow Espy’s gasp and move my lips more firmly against hers. She’s all softness and salt, and tasting the evidence of her tears only spurs me on as I seek to reassure her, to show her with my body that she is safe.

My arms move in opposite directions, and I tangle my left in her sleep-rumpled hair as my right skates down her back, just brushing against the tempting swell of her butt. Her own arms lock around my waist as a small mew escapes her, our mouths continuing to dance in an increasingly confident rhythm.

I force myself to pull back just enough to check that Espy’s as into this as I am. A quick scan of her eyes shows me everything I want and more. Her lids are hooded and her pupils blown wide. Encouraged, I confidently move my hands to her hips and lift her to sit on the counter so I can bring her closer to my height.

My lips fuse to hers once again, the new angle bringing our bodies even closer together as I step forward between her legs. I can’t get enough of her taste, of the little hitch in her breath when my teeth nip gently at her lips, and I have no idea what my plan is or where this is going—all I know is that I have to keep kissing her. I can’t tear myself away, and won’t until she tells me to stop.

Or I would have, if not for the sound of the front door opening.

I immediately break away from Espy, her tiny whimper of protest and confusion nearly overriding my need to protect her from whoever the fuck is entering my house at 3 in the morning.

It’s Cabe, of course. My packmate looks exhausted as he quietly enters, then he freezes as he glances over and catches sight of us in the kitchen.



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