Page 33 of Unsteady

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As the group makes their way over to us I start to panic. Are they going to join us? Is Espy comfortable with that? My warring desires to be near the little omega and simultaneously protect her from alphas makes my head spin. It’s only when they’re a few feet away that I finally notice three other girls with them, including the omega Leo has a crush on: Mackenzie.

“Hi,” I say, trying to sound normal. Cool. Composed.

“Want to join us?” Micah pipes up next to me.

Our large booth can fit a few more, but seven is probably a stretch. Everyone seems to notice this at the same time, but it’s Mackenzie who jumps in.

“You boys stay and talk sports-ball; us girls will be right over there having a ladies lunch.” She points one of her perfectly manicured fingers toward an empty table a little way away.

Still feels too far.

“You know there aren’t any balls in swimming, right?” Leo nudges her teasingly.

“Well.” Mackenzie gets a devious smirk as she looks him up and down, focusing pointedly on his groin. “That’s good to know.”

Leo blushes as everyone else laughs.

“All right, all right. Be gone with you,” he mock-growls, shooing the four girls off.

I allow my eyes to track Espy as she walks the few feet before settling down at the other table.Bummer. Instead of pouting, I work on scooting over my large frame to make room for the newcomers.

“Wait!” Micah shouts, pushing on my shoulder to get me to move. “I was telling Espy about this amazing lemon cake the chefs here make. I think I grabbed one of the last pieces—I should give her mine.”

With that he’s scrambling past me, cake plate in hand, and going to join the girls.

What a sneaky, brilliant bastard my brother is.

I scoot over, taking his spot as Leo settles next to me, and Lincoln and Tanner end up next to Cabe. I make quick introductions between their pack and the soccer players sitting between me and Cabe, and then everyone settles into eating and easy conversation.

“Who are the other girls with your sister?” I ask Leo, trying to sound casual and not like I’m being overprotective and nosy.

“You know Mackenzie,” he starts, and when I smirk at him, he blushes again. “Shut up!” he grumbles. “The other blonde is Mackenzie’s roommate, and the brunette is Silver. Espy has been spending some time with them since I introduced them a while back.”

“Yeah, giving her some much-needed time away from all us men,” Tanner jokes, puffing out his chest cartoonishly. “All this testosterone is a lot to handle.”

“It’s good that she’s making friends,” I agree, nodding.

“Sure has been spending a lot of time with your pack,” Lincoln comments, giving me a hard, unblinking stare. It’s phrased as a statement, but I can easily feel the demand for answers underneath. He wants to know what our intentions are with Espy.

I gulp. “She and Micah have definitely hit it off,” I offer neutrally.

“Yeah, have you seen what they’re working on?” Cabe asks, his easygoing nature coming to my rescue. “I saw some of the panels she was doing the other night. They’re so cool! Mic’s been needing a decent illustrator for years now. I’m a little surprised she’s been able to escape his clutches at all.”

I wince a little. “Escape his clutches” doesn’t feel like the best turn of phrase under the circumstances. Lincoln seems to agree as his cold gaze swings around to focus on Cabe.

“How’s she settling in?” I ask Leo, figuring it best to change the subject.

He looks thoughtful and takes a while before answering. “Pretty well, I think.”

I raise an eyebrow, hoping he’ll share more. Is Espy having a problem? Is it something my pack can help with?

“Sheisdoing well, Leo,” Tanner cuts in, giving his packmate a pointed look and reaching over to squeeze his shoulder. “We’ve talked about this. You’re doing everything you can right now. Things will just take time.”

“I know,” he sighs. “Some things are still tough.” He turns to me again. “And it’s hard not to be overly protective of her after everything.”

“I can only imagine,” Cabe chimes in, looking uncharacteristically serious. “I would go ballistic if shit like that happened to my baby sister.”

I nod, thinking of all three of my own sisters. It makes me shudder.

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