Page 2 of Just As You Are

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Six months ago I met a man who I just can’t stop thinking about. His name is Hollis ‘Cavallo’ Taylor. After Travis left us, I didn’t think I would ever meet someone that made me feel the way he did. But meeting Hollis brought back all those butterfly feelings. And it scares the shit out of me because I like him so much in such a short time.

The night we met was a rare night out with my girls: Faith, Charmaine, Violet and Chloe. Our days off usually never match up. Plus, I hate to ask Diana or Carter to watch Maddie, even though I know they would. We had decided to go to a bar called the Hawk’s Nest, which we later found out is owned by the Cimaruta Motorcycle Club. Charmaine’s ex followed us there and started shit with her. He’s a creeper who wouldn’t leave her alone even though they’d broken up almost a year ago. She ended up being rescued by a sexy, muscled, heavily-tattooed biker named Liam ‘Amante’ Murphy. It’s been two months since that night. They're engaged now, and I couldn’t be happier for my bestie.

My girls have all been saying that I’m crazy for keeping Hollis at arm’s length. Especially Charmy, she’s always telling me that if I keep doing this, I might miss out on the love of my life. Love. Psh. She’s still in her little love bubble and wants all of us to be in one too. I loved Travis with all my heart and look what happened. Just cause she was lucky enough to find her forever with Amante doesn’t mean I’m going to find mine with Hollis.

The night I met Hollis, I got caught up in the excitement and made the mistake of going home with him. I only say it was a mistake because I’ve never gone home with anyone the same night I met them. But even after we spent the night together, I didn’t have the urge to run away. That’s a new feeling for me. Hollis said he wants to be with me. But I just don’t know.

I haven’t told him about my Maddie. I had one relationship after Travis left, and the guy screwed me over. It was about a year after Travis had gone. Maddie was around three years old at the time. His name was Adam, and he was sexy as hell. After a month of dating, I decided to introduce him to Maddie, and he seemed to adore her. I even trusted him to watch her a few times when I worked an afternoon or evening shift. Then one night when Maddie and I were just hanging out, she started talking about other women. Women I didn’t know. So I asked her who they were, and she said that they were Adam's friends. They would go to the mall and meet up with them. They even played a game where she called him 'Daddy'. I was just about to call Adam and tell him to fuck off. But Chloe called me first and said she saw him at the mall where he was walking with some girl. They were holding hands. Chloe, being my bestie, followed them. After a couple of hours, they parted ways, but not before hugging and kissing. After Adam left, she confronted the girl. She told Chloe that she had just started seeing Adam—a single father. That asshole was using my little girl to pick up other women.

So after that? I avoided relationships like the plague. I’ve been out with guys—dinner, maybe a movie, but never anything serious. Sometimes I just want someone to spend a little time with. And I’m upfront about that from the start. I don’t want them to think it’s going to last forever. There have been a few that I’ve slept with, but again, they knew upfront that I wasn’t looking for a relationship. More like a friends-with-benefits thing.

Maddie was so little when Travis left us that she doesn’t really remember him. As angry as I still am about what he did, I won’t be the kind of mom that tells her kid their dad’s an asshole. One day she’ll figure that out for herself.

Most nights working at Club Curve go pretty smooth. Tonight we have two bachelor parties, and everyone's behaving themselves so far. But there’s an obnoxious asshole here somewhere, I just know it.

“How much for you to come over here and entertain us?” a guy says to my back, right on cue. I sigh and slowly turn around to see three guys leering at me.

“Sorry, I’m just here to serve drinks. If you want something specific for your party, you need to talk to Janet. She’s the one at the end of the bar,” I say to them.

“I wanna see whatyoucan do. So how much, sweetheart?”

Alrighty then. Looks like tonight we’re dealing with the Thick-Headed Asshole, not an uncommon breed around here. What usually works is just ignoring them. Most are here to get drunk and have fun—I like the guys who respect boundaries. No one is allowed to touch the dancers or the bartenders, and security makes sure of that.

One of the guys I’m ignoring whistles at me. It's piercing, like he thinks we're at a fucking ballgame or something. Next thing that happens is him being escorted out the door. No one tries to defend him, which makes me chuckle. Most of the time, the friends don’t help. The other two leave me alone after their buddy gets kicked out, which makes me happy. I’m really not in the mood tonight.



From the outside, it looks like any other dance club. There’s a short line to get in, made up of mostly men. We have Fuoco, Dolce and Charmaine with us tonight. Some of the guys in line have made inappropriate comments to them and it didn’t go over well. Those guys will be partying somewhere else tonight.

We pay the cover charge and go in. I’m not sure what I expected to see, but it’s a classy setup. Not like some of the other strip clubs we’ve been to. There's a few girls dancing in cages suspended from the ceiling and one up on stage. There’s also a regular dance floor. None of the dancers are naked, but they’re still captivating. And now I’m imagining Lila in a cage like that dancing only for me. Holy fuck, now I’m hard. That woman makes me crazy.

There’s a commotion at the bar—a guy is reaching over it, trying to grab the bartender. Wait. That’s my Lila. Oh fuck no. I rush to the bar and grab the fucker that’s touching my girl. After I pull him back, my brothers take him from me so I can tend to Lila.

I put my hand out to help her up.


“Hey baby, how much for a dance?”

And here we go again. I roll my eyes and take a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Tonight has gotten worse after that first guy got tossed out. This guy is here with one of the bachelor parties as well, and it’s been non-stop drunken pick-up lines. Most of them are being shouted at the dancers, but some are directed at me.

“Look,I told your buddies earlier—I make drinks, I don’t dance.” I turn to reach for a vodka bottle. Next thing I know, someone’s got the kung fu grip on my ponytail and my head is jerked roughly back. Off balance, I hit the ground. As I’m getting up to tell this asshole off, he’s being pulled away from the bar. I thought it was our bouncer, Matt, but I hear a different, familiar voice. One that I never wanted to hear in here. Hollis. Dammit.

“Are you okay, Lila?” Hollis asks as he puts his hand out to help me up.

“Yeah, thanks. Wh-what are you doing here?” My hand is shaking as I take hold of his.

“The boys wanted to try somewhere new. I didn’t know you worked here. I thought you worked at the Mancini Grill?”

I snatch my hand back. “Look, I don’t need you judging me for working here. And it’s none of your fucking business what I do anyway.”

“Whoa, cupcake. Back up. No one’s judging you. Do I like that you work in a place where men can touch you? Fuck no. But I would never judge you for the choices you make.”

Well now I feel like an ass. The look in Hollis’ eyes is the same one he gave me the night we met, like I was the only woman in the room. I’ve tried to keep my distance—I don’t want a relationship. Every once in a while I meet someone and we have some fun, but I make sure to keep it casual. No feelings. Plus, with Maddie, I don’t have a lot of time to myself.

“No one touches me. Usually. That guy was just a dick. And don’t call me ‘cupcake’. I’m not food,” I grumble.

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