Page 83 of Dirty Truths

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Jay smirks, then with his hands on either side of my neck, his thumbs brushing my jaw, he pulls me in, planting his mouth on mine. “Then I better make the most of them, eh?” he whispers against my lips. Our kiss is lust-filled and frantic, but also sensual. He takes his time, despite our time constraint, but I feel his impatience as he tugs me closer and holds me in place with a firm grip. “Fuck, I missed you,” he mutters, still holding my face and kissing me again.

I laugh as I pull away. “You’ve spent the last twenty-four hours with me.”

“Kitten, you seem to forget that I’ve yet to be inside you. I fucking need you,” he says, his voice smooth, hitting me right in the chest like the first sip of a strong drink.

I need him too.

All of him.

Peering at him through my lashes, I admit, “I want that too.”

“Can you sneak away with me to Paris next week?” he rasps, his hold on me possessive.

I press my thumbs against his cheek, massaging, trying to calm him. “I can’t do anything until after the ball.”

He closes his eyes, accepting defeat.

“But I don’t need Paris, Jay. I just need you.”

He shakes his head. “I want it to be special. I want to take you shopping at the Champs Élysée. I want to see your response when you see the Mona Lisa and realize just how hideous and small it is.”

I laugh. This man. Serious and desperate one second and teasing in the next.

“I want to sip champagne with you with a view of the Eiffel tower. I want to feed you crepes,” he says as he squeezes my hip. “And I want to make love to you. Slow. In our own world. I want everything for you, Cat. It’s what you deserve.”

My smile is wide. The idea he paints, the memories I know we’ll make, they’re beautiful. “Someday I want all of those things too. But I’m not waiting, Jay. Figure out a way to make it special here, because I can’t wait for a special trip to fuck you.”

He groans and presses his forehead to mine. “You can’t talk to me like that, Kitten, or I’m going to find a corner and make a meal out of you right now.”

I drag my hand down his chest and slip my fingers between the buttons of his shirt. We both hiss at the connection. “Do it,” I murmur. “I dare you.”

Before I know what’s happening, he’s lifting me in one quick movement. Then he lowers me, making sure I feel every inch of his body on the way down. Once my feet are planted on the floor, he presses me forward and whispers in my ear. “You’re going to pay for that mouth, Kitten. I’m going to fuck the sass right out of it.”

Of their own accord, my thighs clench, and a rush of warmth spreads through my body. “Yes,” I rasp.

We descend the stairs that lead from the bar area to the main floor, and a voice calls from behind. “Where you guys going?”

I groan as I turn to find my brother and Kevin ambling toward us. “This place sucks. Want to go somewhere else?” Carter asks, his hands in his pockets like he’s bored.

“Fucking cock block,” Jay mutters under his breath, covering his mouth with his hand so that only I can hear his words.

I press my lips together to keep my laugh from escaping. “What happened to your friend?” I ask Carter.

He shrugs. “Wasn’t feeling it.”

Kevin smirks and shakes his head. “No. Turns out Cindy wasn’t thrilled when she realized Carter didn’t recognize her. He fucked her a few weeks ago, and she thought he remembered.”

Jay chuckles beside me, and I find myself wishing he would pull me against his chest so I could feel the way his deep laughter rumbles through him.

Carter throws up his hands. “It was a year ago, asshole. I’d remember her if it was only a few weeks.”

I groan. “You’re disgusting.”

Carter lets out a heavy sigh. “Don’t let these two fool you. One of you probably fucked her after me. Maybe together.” With a brow cocked, he scrutinizes Jay and Kevin.

I close my eyes, trying to unhear that comment. The last thing I want to think about is my brother and Jay fucking the same girl. Or Jay fucking anyone but me.

Jay grips my hip and mouths “never,” as if he knows precisely where my thoughts have gone.

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