Page 81 of Dirty Truths

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“Sounds like a plan,” I relent.

Carter’s phone dings, and he smiles when he holds it up to read the incoming text. Then he points toward the fence. “Cat’s over by the players. I’m going to say hi. You guys want to get seats?”

No, I want to see my fucking girlfriend. I don’t want to sit on cold-ass bleachers and watch her from a distance like a creepy motherfucker. “Sure. Would you like me to get you a pretzel too?” I bite back.

Carter smirks. “Yeah. And a beer.”

“They don’t serve beer at high school football games,” I mutter, walking away.

“Oh, this is going to be such a good fucking day,” Kevin teases beside me.

I round on him and poke him in the chest. “This is your reminder. You were sitting in the hot tub last night withhisnaked sister. I wouldn’t laugh so hard if I were you.”

“And what a pretty view that was,” Kevin says, goading me.

“Fucking A,” I mutter under my breath as I take off again, the asshole trailing behind me. This is going to be a long day.

* * *

“With all thebrains in this damn country, how has no one come up with a better seating arrangement at high school football games? Metal fucking bleachers? Seriously? My ass is frozen,” I grit out.

Cat folds her lips in on themselves, her eyes dancing with mirth, and Carter lets out a whoop of a laugh when the man sitting with what looks like his wife and two young kids shoots me a glare.

I throw my arms up in defense and roll my eyes. “Are you not cold?”

Kevin thought he would be cute by slipping in behind Cat like he was going to plant himself between us. When he turned to smirk at me, I clenched my jaw so hard I think he felt it. He shuffled back out to the stairs to let me in awfully quick. Now Carter bookends our row, with Cat beside him, then me, then Kevin. Cat brought a blanket and offered to share across the row, but I grabbed it and placed it on the seat and then pointed for her to sit while Carter was down talking to Frank. Turns out, the guy isn’t playing today, and I’m starting to get the sense that he actually does have eyes in the back of his head. And they’ve been firmly planted on me this entire damn game. I thought maybe I could sneak my hands beneath Cat’s blanket once I wrapped her up in it, but no such fucking luck.

The game’s that way, motherfucker, I want to shout every time the red headed eighteen-year-old turns his beady green eyes on me.

“Take some blanket,” Cat says softly.

“Yeah, take some blanket, Jay. We wouldn’t want your ass to get too cold,” Carter laughs.

Just for that, I’m going to make his sister come while he’s in the next room tonight.

Cat eyes me as she holds up the blanket. “I won’t bite, I promise,” she teases.

I pull her leg to me and snuggle in. “But I might,” I mouth to her, evoking the smallest of smiles from her. Below the blanket, I squeeze her leg but keep things PG. There are families around, after all. I’m not a monster.

Beside me, Kevin whines, “Hey, I’m cold too. Want to share your blanket with me?”

The icy glare he’s met with only leaves him laughing.

“Sorry, blanket is too small,” I say as I slide my hand between Cat’s thighs and soak in her warmth. Nowthisis how you watch a high school football game.

* * *

As it turns out,Cat and Carter weren’t the only Jameses in the stands. As we’re waiting for Cash to change, still freezing our asses off, Cat hisses under her breath. When I turn, her grandparents are shuffling toward us. I’ve seen pictures of them before, but I’ve never seen them in person.

“Looks like I finally get to meet the grandparents,” I whisper.

She’s gone stiff, though, and I don’t miss how she’s moved a fraction of an inch over, creating more space between us.

“Sunshine,” her grandfather says, making a beeline for his granddaughter while ignoring the rest of us. The smile that warms her face at his greeting melts any ill will I may have had toward the man. If he makes her smile like that, there’s no possible way I could hate him. It’s just…fuck, I’m crazy about her.

Cat steps forward and hugs her grandfather tight, their verbal exchange indiscernible from where I force myself to remain standing. Theodore James is a tall man. He’s got a full head of silver hair, blue eyes like Carter, and broad shoulders. He squares them in my direction when he releases Cat.

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