Page 46 of Dirty Truths

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“I shared the best kiss of my life while listening to Coldplay, so I’d have to say Chris Martin will forever be a favorite now.”

Cat stops in her tracks, the abrupt halt yanking me back. “Really?” she asks softly, her eyes so warm and full of vulnerability.

I run my hands through her long locks, pressing closer until our bodies are flush. Spellbound by the way she’s looking at me, all I can do is stare back as I reply, “Really.” Then I press my lips to hers again, savoring her taste, memorizing her soft moans, the way she feels in my arms.

We kiss as if we have all the time in the world. As if there is no one in the city but us. No one exists outside this moment. If I could will this moment into forever, I would.

It’s the ultimate irony that the two of us would meet in the way we did, only to be kept apart because of the actions of our parents decades ago.

Cat loops her arms around my neck and hugs me close. “Thank you for today,” she whispers into my shoulder.

“A million todays would never be enough,” I concede. “I don’t want to say goodbye.”

She smiles sadly. “Then don’t. Just…you go that way, and I’ll go this way,” she says, pointing us in opposite directions. She leans in one more time and brushes a kiss against my lips, then she lets go and walks away.




Like an insane person, I show up at Carter’s apartment on Sunday night. “Can I stay here?”

He takes one look at me and ushers me inside. “Sure, you can stay in Hanson’s room. I’ll text him and make sure he’s not coming back.”

With a grateful nod, I follow him into the kitchen. Jay won’t be back. I don’t know the reasons behind his hatred for my father, but I can’t imagine he’d come back here after the way we left things today. And because I can’t be with him, I’m going to lie in his bed and sleep on his pillow like a damn creep. Pathetic.

“What’s going on with you and your roommate?” Carter asks after he pockets his phone. “He says it’s fine, by the way. He’s not coming back to Providence. Stay as long as you need.”

I should be embarrassed. Now Jay knows precisely where I am, and he probably knows why I came. But I don’t even care.

I shrug. “I don’t know. Just need a little space.”

“Want me to order food?” he offers.

I shake my head. “Nah, I’m tired.” I point to the hallway with a thumb. “I’m just going to get some rest.”

And lie in the bed of my would-be boyfriend. The one man I want, but the man I can’t have.

Ihate our father and we share DNA. I can only imagine what my father did to the Hanson family. Likely a business deal gone wrong. Nothing would surprise me. Edward James is a scab.

Carter hesitates. “I know I’m not generally who you would turn to, but if you need someone to talk to, I’m here.” He regards me carefully, seriously, his eyes soft but full of worry, a small frown marring his face. I don’t think I’ve seen him wear such a pensive expression since we were kids. Our mother’s death affected us all differently. Carter hides his pain behind a flippant personality. After we lost her, everything became surface level for him. His heart broke so thoroughly from her loss that he couldn’t handle letting anyone else in.

I offer him a small smile. “I appreciate it. But I just need sleep. I promise.”

“It’s the first door on the left,” he offers, holding an arm out, palm open.

Nodding, I hoist my overnight bag higher on my shoulder and take a deep breath before trudging down the hall and pushing open Jay’s door. This may be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever done, but I refuse to overthink it. Instead, I slip off my clothes, slide under his covers, and snuggle into his pillow.

And then I cry myself to sleep.

* * *

Monday morning,I foolishly scour the train platform for a blond man in a suit with a smirk and an extra coffee in hand.

He’s not here.

Why would he be?

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