Page 30 of Dirty Truths

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I sigh as I follow her inside. Ridiculously, I’m pretty sure I’d follow this girl anywhere…even into my own personal hell.

The foyer is buzzing with activity, as it’s a Friday afternoon. “Stay here for one second,” she whispers before letting go of my hand and approaching the security desk. The security guard’s face lights up when he sees her, and he leans toward her as she speaks to him. He nods and responds, and before I know it, she’s heading back toward me, a key card in her hand.

“All set,” she says as she grabs my hand again and leads me to the elevators.

My tongue feels too big for my mouth as we step through the sliding doors and I catch sight of the name written in gold. James Liquors. What am I doing here? A man slips in just before the doors close, eyeing Cat like the beautiful woman she is. I grab her hip and pull her into me possessively. She relaxes against me and rests her head against my chest, the actions loosening the tension in my every muscle.

He hits thirty-five, and she hits the P.

P as in penthouse.

Fuck, what did I get myself into? Why does she have a key to the penthouse of James Liquors?

Tipping her head back, she rests her chin against my chest and looks up at me. In a whisper, she says, “Don’t worry; it’s not occupied. And we’re just going to the roof.”

All I can do is nod.

The smell of whiskey and wood gets stronger as the elevator ascends. When the door finally opens at the thirty-fifth floor and the man gets off, the scent intensifies. Just outside the doors, decorative whiskey barrels line the entrance of what looks like the actual James Liquors offices. Narrowing my eyes, I scan the space, taking in as much detail as I can, but the elevator door closes before I can get too lost in that world.

With my palms resting on Cat’s shoulders, I squeeze, focusing on her warmth, anchoring myself to this moment with her. My entire life has revolved around destroying the James family. But I want this moment to be separate from that. I want Cat nowhere near that world.

As the elevator light indicates that we’ve reached the penthouse, the doors open, and I find myself inside one of the James family homes.

So much for keeping Cat separate.

“What are we doing here?” I hiss.

She rolls her eyes and drags me out by the arm. “No one lives here. Calm down.”

Easy for her to say.

I follow her out a door that leads to a set of steps. She climbs them quickly, only turning around when she hits another door. “Ready?” she says, pressing the door open and illuminating the space with warm light, her face glowing in excitement. Or maybe it’s the sun.

I nod and follow her through. The roof is fitted with a large pool and hot tub and boasts an incredible view of the city. I’ve never looked out over the cityscape from this direction. Boston Harbor glistens in the distance, the USS Constitution standing proud in front of the bridge.

“How did you know about this spot?” I mumble, scanning the skyline.

Was my mother ever here?

“My dad worked here when I was a kid. After my mom died, I’d come here after school. Before he sent me away,” she adds quietly.

“He doesn’t work here anymore?”

She shakes her head and sighs.

“And the James family didn’t mind you coming up here?”

“No one lives here,” she replies. “Sal, the guy at the front desk, he lets me come up here whenever I want.” She shrugs and moves closer to the edge of the roof. “Come sit with me.”

She climbs up onto the stone barrier, sending my heart leaping into my throat. “What are you doing?” I practically shout as I pull her back to my chest.

I fucking despise heights.

She laughs. “I’m sitting down, you weirdo.”

“Not up there, you’re not!”

Her brown eyes caramelize before me as she smiles softly. “Are you afraid of heights, Mr. Hanson?”

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