Page 24 of Dirty Truths

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The meeting drags on far longer than I would like. It takes an absurd amount of effort to keep my attention on Cynthia and Kirsten rather than studying Cat like I would prefer.

She mentioned having an internship, but I had no clue it was with Cynthia Caldwell. That’s impressive.

And the way she carries herself, without even recognizing the poise she has, is hot as fuck.

Every instinct inside me screamed for me to claim her. I wanted to pull her into my arms, whisper in her ear, and make her squirm like I normally would. But I respect her too much to embarrass her in front of her boss.

Besides, she’s not mine. Like a fool, I waited for her to call after the train the other day. I could have sworn we had a moment when she finally laughed at my song choice.

I…fuck,I don’t know what I thought, because whatever it was, I was clearly wrong. Since then, there’s been nothing but radio silence.

“I think that covers everything, Jonathan. Thank you for meeting with us,” Cynthia finally says, standing and smoothing out her top.

“I always have time for you,” I remind her.

She smiles in appreciation, and with a hand on my shoulder, she leans down and kisses my cheek.

When she steps back, I nod and wait for them to file out of the room, but Kirsten turns to me before they’ve exited.

“Would you like to grab lunch?” she asks.

A few feet away, Cat turns, and a glare mars her gorgeous face before she can hide it.

“I’m sorry, I have another meeting this afternoon,” I say, practically shooting to my feet so I can catch up to the others before they get away. “Cynthia,” I say, grabbing their attention.

All three women turn and wait for me.

“If you wouldn’t mind,” I say, stopping close to Cynthia and lowering my voice so Kirsten doesn’t overhear. “I’m having lunch downstairs so I can taste test some of the options for the cocktail hour. I didn’t bring my assistant. Could I borrow yours so she can take notes of what I like?”

The woman beside Cynthia, whose name I can’t remember, pipes up, “Oh, I’d be happy to have lunch with you, Mr. Hanson.”

A smirk crosses Cat’s face, and she raises a challenging brow.

“Oh, I meant Catherine. I know your time is invaluable to Cynthia,” I pander.

Cat’s lips twist mercilessly as she watches the other woman’s face fall.

Cynthia smiles. “Oh, that’s a wonderful idea. I planned to have Catherine do that herself, but having your input will be invaluable.” She turns toward Cat and tilts her head. “Catherine, I trust you’ll find your own way back? Feel free to take the rest of the afternoon. Be sure you and Jonathan try everything and take thorough notes.”

Before Cat can reply, I interject, “I’ll make sure she gets home safe.”

At that, Cat shoots me a glare. Shit. What did I say to anger her this time? But she smooths her expression into one of confidence and obedience when Cynthia turns to her again. “I’ll be fine. Thank you, Ms. Caldwell. I’ll see you Monday.” Then she sighs as she looks back at me.

Knowing she won’t dare make a scene in front of her boss, I grab her hand in mine. “Shall we, Kitten?” I murmur so only she can hear. She can offer me her icy stares all day; it doesn’t hide what I know she feels when I touch her. When I whisper her name, she melts, even if she isn’t yet ready to admit it.

She wants to submit. She wantsthis.

“What are you doing?” she hisses as I lead her away from her boss and that nosy assistant.

I don’t stop, instead I just enjoy her proximity, her floral scent surrounding me. “Spending time with you like you so obviously want,” I tease.

She coughs out a laugh. “An hour ago, I wasn’t good enough to be acknowledged, and now you’re okay with being seen in public with me?”

We turn a corner, and I tug her hand hard so she ricochets off my body. I grab her other hand, and with both wrists locked above her head, I press her against the wall. “You’ve wanted nothing to do with me for the last two weeks. Now you find out I’m a Hanson, and you suddenly want me to, what, tell your boss we’re friends? Suddenly,I’mworth it to you?”

Anger courses through my body as I heave out breath after breath. Her chest rises and falls just as quickly. Brown eyes heat as she glowers at me. And even though I’m angry as fuck, I can’t help but fixate on her red lips, the way they’ve fallen open as she heaves each breath. I ache to run my thumb against her bottom lip, to press my mouth against hers, to tangle our tongues together, to kiss the fucking life out of her.

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