Page 100 of Dirty Truths

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She hits on a nerve, but I stifle my reaction. If she knows how much she’s getting to me, it’ll be that much worse.

“So help me God, Mia, if you don’t get the fuck out of my office, I will fucking kill you.”

The door to my office swings open, and Kevin walks in, scanning the space. When his eyes land on Mia, he turns back to me with a scowl. “What the hell are you two screaming about? Your secretary asked me to come in because she was so nervous.”

I turn and face the window, knowing I can’t be trusted. “Get her out of my office. Now!” I bark.

“I’m leaving,” she mutters.

Before she can make it out, I warn, “Two can play at your game, Mia. You talk, I talk…and your best friend will know exactly what you just tried to do. So keep your fucking mouth shut.”

Her answering glare is powerful enough that I can feel it burning into my back, but I don’t turn.

Kevin slams the door shut. “What the fuck was that about?”

I run my hand through my hair.Think. What the fuck can I say? What can I do?

At a loss, I pivot and point to the bar cart in the corner. “I’m taking the afternoon off. I don’t want to talk about it. Just drink with me or get the fuck out.”

Kevin follows me to the cart and clinks his glass against mine after a heavy pour. “To not remembering.”

* * *

Hours later,I’m three sheets to the wind when my phone rings. I grip it with all my strength, wishing I could actually crack it. As if ignoring her will fix things.

It won’t. I have no choice but to answer because she holds all the cards now.

If she tells Cat, I lose everything. Because Catiseverything.

“What?” I growl, taking the phone outside so I can hear her over the bar crowd.

“Call Carter!” she hisses.


“Call. Carter,” she enunciates, still in a whisper. “I’m in his room, but someone just came in the front door. I’m in the closet. Call him and tell him to meet you before he catches me!”

“Fuck,” I say. “Stay in that goddamn closet until I call you back.”

I hang up without waiting for a response and dial Carter.

“Hey, Jay,” he answers coolly.

“What are you doing?”

He laughs. “Just got home. Going to make dinner and head to bed. I’m beat.”

“Come to Boston. Kev and I are at Pearl. Thought we’d hit up Rebel next.” I dangle the carrot, hoping he’ll take it.

He whistles. “Wow, you’ve been so busy this past month, I really did think you got a girlfriend or some shit, but Rebel…”

I can almost picture him scratching his chin as he considers the request.

“No girlfriend,” I lie, tipping my face to the night sky, pleading with whoever’s up there to forgive me for all my transgressions. It’s for a good cause. So I don’t lose the best part of me, a person I vow to be good to for the rest of my life. I’ll take care of her, keep her happy, treat her better than anyone else could. Isn’t that worth the stumbles I have to take to get there?

I run my hand through my hair. What is taking him so long to answer?

“Sorry, man. It would take me an hour to get there. Tomorrow night?”

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