Page 76 of Finding Her Love

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“For thinking about me above all. It means everything to me,” I say sincerely.

“Always, Paisley. Now, we have probably been in here a lot longer than expected. Let’s head on out for dinner, shall we?” he asks.

Walking hand in hand with Mateo feels just like it did with Luca.




“Where have you all been?We sent Mateo to come get you over ten minutes ago. I was about ready to send Kade, since dinner is finished,” Atlas says.

“She was asleep. I didn’t want to wake her up, but she woke up on her own,” Mateo replies.

“Well, nonetheless, dinner is ready, so come get some food. It’s not much, just some soup and some bread that we grabbed at the house before we got to your house last night. We just heated it up over the fire.”

“Yum,” I say.

With the temperature having dropped since I fell asleep, soup actually sounds good right now. I could use the warm-up. Atlas passes me a bowl, bread, and a bottled water, and then I go sit down in between Luca and Mateo. Right now, I have closer connections with them, and it’s easier with them.

Sitting down, I think about my feelings for the guys. Two of them have told me they loved me.

Do I love them back?

I have strong feelings for them, but does that equate to love? I feel safe and protected when I am around them. They make me want to be stronger, which isn’t something that I would have thought about myself over a month ago. The looks on their faces make me feel completely and utterly seen, not seen through like I’m invisible. They don’t talk down to me like I’m nothing, like everyone else in my life did.

When I’m around them, I don’t have to be afraid of anything. I know that every day, I want to spend more and more time with them, and they make me happier than I can ever remember being. I just don’t know if that’s love or not.

“Earth to Paisley,” Kade says as he waves a hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention.

“Sorry. I was thinking about something.”

“We could tell. We were talking to you for a couple minutes, but you didn’t respond. What were you thinking about?” Kade asks.

“Oh, nothing important,” I laugh nervously.

“Well, we have a surprise for you! While you were making out with Kade at the diner, we got you something,” Atlas says.

I blush. I’m still a little awkward with them all knowing I kiss each of them. The idea is still new to me.

“It’s okay, mi amor. We promise we are okay with it. Right, guys?” Mateo asks.

“Yes,” say Kade and Atlas.

“Yes,”signs Luca.

“You all keep saying that, but what if one of you gets jealous that I’m spending more time with one over the others?” I reply frantically.

“Wallflower, calm down,” Atlas says. “If we get jealous, then that’s on us. We just need to communicate with you if we are feeling left out. You don’t realize it, but you are already doing a good job of separating your time equally between us four. You are also very respectful. I can see that you don’t like kissing in front of us. You are already being an amazing girlfriend! You don’t have to be so self-conscious. Just talk to us if you are worried, just like we will with you, okay?”

Nodding my head, I agree, “I did read that communication is key to every relationship. Now, what is that surprise?”

“Close your eyes,” Kade says enthusiastically.

Closing my eyes, I get a little worried. I hear some shuffling and then nothing.

They didn’t leave me here, did they?

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