Page 25 of Finding Her Love

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Who talks about someone else like that?

“I’m not sure what exactly you mean.”

“You know, the person you were just with. Why were you walking with them? Don’t you know anything about her? She is a whore. No one interacts with her or goes near her if possible. She probably has every STD in the book too. You should stay away from her,” the guy explains.

Clenching my fist and reminding myself I can’t just punch this guy, I take a few deep breaths before replying.

“You really shouldn’t talk about people like that. You never know what you could do to them mentally or emotionally. You also never know who you are talking to.”

“Quit being a cuck and caring about feelings,” says the stranger.

“Besides, why are you calling her a whore? The definition of a whore is a prostitute. Does she sell her body for money? You just said no one goes near her, so you are contradicting yourself. Either she is a whore, or nobody wants to be near her. Though I think neither is correct. In the few days that I’ve been here, everyone has actively avoided her, and she goes out of her way to avoid everyone as well. So, no, I do not think she is a whore.

“I’m going to say this nicely. Let’s not call her a whore anymore, shall we? It’s not nice to call people names,” I say, smacking his shoulder.

As I’m leaving, I have to fight back the anger that is bubbling to the surface, so I head to my locker and grab my spare clothes. I need to work out this anger somehow. I grab my phone and let Kade know that I’m going to go for a run on the track and that he can pick me up later. Putting my ear pods in, I pull up my music, throw it on shuffle, and race toward the track.

Once I’m on the turf, I sprint as fast as I can. Needing to get this pent-up energy out, I push my body as much as I can. If there is no energy left, then there is no energy left to be angry anymore, I keep telling myself.




I’m unsure how long I’ve been running for when I realize I am getting a call.

I press the pod in my ear to accept it. “Hello?”

“Idiot, I’ve been running beside you for two miles. You need to hydrate,” Kade’s voice comes from the earpiece.

Stopping, I turn to the left and then the right, and that’s when I see him. Pulling the headphones out of my ears, I look at him questioningly.

“I’m here because I know you wouldn’t have wanted to run unless it was serious, so I wanted to be here when you either passed out from exhaustion or needed water. Except you have been running for over six miles and haven’t taken a break. You need water, dude.”

Sighing, I agree, and we both walk over to the water bottles that he brought and left on the bleachers. Uncapping one, I gulp the whole bottle in one go. I have always appreciated how much of a best friend Kade is. He has always known what I need when my anger flares up.

Now that I’ve calmed down, I gesture toward the school and Kade nods. I decide that I’ll take a shower when we get home instead of making Kade wait even longer. No sense in spending the time here in the school’s crappy locker room when I can go home and use the relaxing shower there.

“I’ll meet you at the car!” he yells at me, since I was already walking away.

I jog toward the school to get to my locker in the senior hallway. Well, that’s what the school calls it anyway. It’s where all the seniors’ lockers are located. They have sections for every grade here. It’s kinda cool that they do this here, as I’ve been in some schools where they do it by alphabetical order so you have a senior by a freshman, and the hazing was so bad.

Getting to my locker takes no time. I grab all my books today so I can study tonight at home. Once everything is in my backpack, I head out toward the parking lot for the car. It’s my turn to drive. Kade is waiting by the car for me.

“Now that I’m calm, how were classes today for you?” I ask him while opening the door to get into the driver’s seat.

“They were okay. Boring, I guess. What the hell happened, man?”

Recapping the conversation I had with the dude outside of the library as I back out of our parking spot is making me angry again.

Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

“Do you think we could work on our English project tonight as well, and after, you could help me with studying? I’m struggling again, and you know you are the only one I feel comfortable with asking for help from,” he asks.

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