Page 94 of Forever Fabled

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Austin paused, smiling at her.

“I had to add a bit more,” he explained, seeing her chuckle tearfully and nod at him. “That beautiful paladin, laced their fingers together, holding fast to this miracle before her, and whispered, ‘I’m ready when you are…’” his voice cracked as he looked at her tearfully, folding the paper he had kept close to his heart for the entire day, hiding it.

“Our story of how we met is a beautiful mix of where we were both at when falling in love, but nothing prepared me for this moment. I’m staring at my paladin and partner, standing at the brink of forever, and beyond blessed to have met you, Giselle,” he breathed shakily and wiped his eyes, clearing his throat again and trying not to cry as he looked at her.

“I cannot think of a more beautiful soul to share my life with and experience the rest of that prose that is just waiting to be written… knowing that someday, we can pass down our beautiful beginnings to our children someday. I love you more than you will ever know,” he whispered tenderly and kissed her hand where he’d just placed a thin gold band on her finger, resting it against the engagement ring.

“I absolutely, one thousand times over, emphatically say ‘I do’… repeatedly,” he uttered proudly.

Giselle squeezed his hands, laughing tearfully, and nodded happily as she spoke to him directly – not even waiting for the magistrate to speak. She was amazing in so many ways and he loved her spark, her flare for life… and would never look back from this moment.

“Austin, the day I sent that first email? I was hooked. There was such a playfulness, such a delightful persona that came out with every word that was written… and you drew me out of my frightened shell, bit by bit, step by step,” she smiled at him.

“Dinner and drinks?”

“Yeah,” she chuckled, nodding. “Every time I thought you couldn’t get more perfect? You would surprise me. I would see you standing on the horizon, my eyes searching for you so many times, hoping and wondering if you would notice me… and you did.”

She drew in a shaky breath as he remembered those moments that they first met. The fascination had been overwhelming, the anticipation thrilling, and the love… encompassing.

“You amaze me in so many ways and just when I think I couldn’t be surprised more, there is another facet in the diamond that is you. You are more incredible, more rare, more beautiful than all the treasures in the world… and you are mine,” she said strongly, making him feel so humbled to be there, taking her as his wife.

“I want to live our story, hold your hand during the trials and celebrate the victories in our lives together. I want to turn to you knowing that my soulmate is waiting to hold me, comfort me, or love me… and I, Giselle Amanda Beck, do most heartily take you, Austin Elijah Calder, as my husband.”

Austin gazed at Giselle, as she took the matching gold band that he’d given her earlier that morning and slid it onto his trembling hand, where it came to rest on his finger, silently vowing to never remove it.

He let out a shaky sigh of relief as he listened to the magistrate finally pronounce them husband and wife. They stood there for a brief moment, just waiting, before he stepped forward and pulled her into his arms.

“I love you so much,” he whispered, just before kissing her.

* * *

That afternoon and evening,Austin could not take his eyes from Giselle. Her parents had thrown together an impromptu party for them all that seemed so strangely perfect. Instead of having some fancy meal or majestic wedding cake? They decided to go with his bride’s favorites, which suited him perfectly fine.

They had Whataburgers, onion rings, and spicy ketchup… and for dessert? Warm pecan pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

He didn’t have the heart to tell her that the wedding cake tradition was already being handled. They would be celebrating once again in Yonder when they landed.

It was meant to be a surprise.

Austin wanted Giselle to celebrate and love every moment with her family… before they could do it all again with his makeshift one.

They took photographs together – and he felt like he truly belonged, the sensation nearly bringing him to his knees. There were photos of him kissing Giselle, others of just the men of the family… including him. There were photographs of the women together, candid shots taken of people laughing, and others where he tried to sneak a kiss only to hear a faint giggle from his bride’s sister, Gemma.

Greg had brought several bottles of bubbly for them to make toasts and the man had several quips that were lost on Austin, because he hadn’t been there among the siblings… but didn’t care.

It made Giselle laugh, and that was all that mattered.

Her happiness was first in his heart, his reason for living.



She was tipsy…and nervous.

Today was such a beautiful day, married to the man she loved more than life itself with a joy just seemed to go on and on. She had never laughed or smiled so much, felt so wonderful, or so aware of that silently ticking clock in the back of her mind.

The days were passing much too fast.

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