Page 92 of Forever Fabled

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Sitting down on the edge of her childhood twin bed, she held her hand and admired her ring once more, touched and beyond happy to be marrying such an incredible person. He was everything she could have hoped for in her very own Prince Charming — complete with ketchup and a wooden spoon.

… And that was when an idea struck her.



Austin wasup at the crack of dawn and already in his dress uniform, drinking a cup of coffee while putting his thoughts down on paper what he wanted to say during their vows. He’d started the coffee before the house ever started stirring – and managed to slip the paperwork into his pocket just before Max, her father, walked in.

“You’re up early, son,” Max began, pouring a cup of the strong coffee for himself. “Couldn’t sleep?”

“No, sir.”

“Max,” he reminded Austin again, smiling in silent understanding. “You are doing better than me when I was getting married to Gigi.”

“Oh?” Austin asked immediately, hearing the man laugh softly to himself as he sat down to join him.

“I was a mess,” Max admitted. “Scared, intimidated, a little alarmed, because I didn’t want to let her down. I mean, I was a twenty-one-year-old idiot that was stationed in Fort Bliss when I met her there. Gigi is originally from El Paso, and she just swept into my world like a tornado.”

Austin listened, fascinated, remaining silent because he wasn’t sure if he could speak at this moment. He didn’t have anyone sharing their memories with him, only having his own to cling to and they weren’t worth really reliving… but this man was savoring them, and it was clear to see.

“She told me that we were getting married and I went along with it, because I’d never seen a prettier woman in my life… and I was a twenty-one-year-old man,” Max admitted, winking at Austin, who laughed nervously.

“… But there was a light in her that just drew me in and we never looked back,” Max smiled, looking at his coffee mug. “She’s my best friend, keeps me in line, and has given me eight beautiful versions of us. I see her smile on my son’s face. Gemma has her laugh, Georgia has her gusto for life… and my precious Giselle has her soulful eyes.”

Max cleared his throat and looked at Austin, his eyes shiny.

“And I know you understand what I’m saying, because I see it in your face when you think no one is watching you. You look at Giselle like that impulsive young man looked at his wild bride nearly thirty-five years ago… and I’m glad,” Max admitted.

“She’s my best friend and I love her.”

Both men stopped when they heard a noise in the distance. Austin hesitated as he realized it was Giselle moving around in the background.

“Excuse me just a second…” he apologized, smiling shyly as her father winked at him knowingly.

“Go ahead, son. I’m going to put the biscuits in the oven.”

Hurrying, he poured her a cup of coffee and knocked on the bathroom door gently – only to see her jerk it open in a rush. He couldn’t resist the smile that touched his lips as he saw her look of surprise, confusion, and then utter horror as she stood there… and immediately tried to slam the door shut.

She was so dang cute in the mornings, he mused, holding up the cup of coffee. Her hair was mussed, and she had a pink crease on her cheek from where she slept on the pillow. A toothbrush was hanging out of her mouth from where she was brushing her teeth already… and her pajama top was askew and halfway tucked into her pajama buttons.

… This was going to be his wife.

His heart nearly burst with the joy and understanding that he was going to get to experience this side of her, this raw reality and perfect imperfections, so many times over the years… and she had never looked more beautiful to him than she did right now at her most vulnerable.

“Good morning, Gorgeous – I’m looking for my blushing bride and thought she might want to start the day with a cup of coffee?” he asked tenderly.

“So you’re farsighted, huh?” she said flatly, right after spitting in the sink and trying to calm her hair down, frowning. “I look a mess and seriously need to shower. This,” she continued, pointing at her face and hair, “is gonna take some serious work to be presentable.”

“Take your time, my love,” he smiled and leaned forward to kiss her cheek, before setting down the cup of coffee. “I just couldn’t wait to tell you good morning and wanted to surprise you.”

“I’m surprised, alright…” she grumbled and looked at him, “and not much of a morning person.”

Giselle looked at him then and he felt his chest swell up with pride as her expressive face told him that she liked him in uniform… and he couldn’t wait to see her in hers.

“I clean up alright.”

“You look… incredible,” she admitted. “Wow.”

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