Page 75 of Forever Fabled

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Giselle was a little surprised at how quiet Austin was and how strangely odd everything felt right now. He’d unlocked the door at Flyboys and they had gone inside, amid the shadows, feeling for a light switch.

As the lights came on, she expected him to talk or say something… but he was quiet. He just held her hand, before releasing it to gather up a t-shirt and shorts to change into in order to sleep. She did the same, tagging off with him down the hallway where the bathroom was located.

She was so exhausted from the trip, from being around so many people, that she knew her body was ready to crash into dreamland… yet her mind was churning like an ocean before the storm.

Entering the bunkroom, she saw Austin had already climbed up onto the top bunk, turned towards the wall, away from her… and she hesitated.

This was not how she wanted her evening to end.

Setting down her things, she murmured a brief goodnight to him… and left the room. Padding in her slipper socks down the hallway towards the front door, she exited the building and found herself standing in the middle of the airstrip, staring up at the stars above.

“What are you doing?” his voice said quietly from behind her, and she didn’t turn around to look at him, but waited there in the chilled air. “You’ll catch a cold standing out here in… almost n-nothing.”

She smiled to herself, noting the tremor of his voice.

“I’m trying to center myself,” she admitted. “Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I used to exit the barracks and stare up at the night sky. It made me feel like I must be special to see a glimpse of Heaven that I never noticed before back home in Wichita Falls.”

She laughed softly, not turning towards him.

“I know it’s the light pollution that ruins the view of the stars from the city, but I was hoping I could see a few tonight to relax my mind… and draw some comfort.”

“Comfort?” he asked, quietly. “Are you okay?”

“I don’t know.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Besides feeling overwhelmed and alone in a roomful of people? I’m nervous about seeing my parents, scared about this, anxious that I’m making a mistake, plus dreading going back to a life full of nothing but emails and being separated again by a fence…” she whispered openly, not holding back.

“Why are you nervous about seeing your parents?”

“It’s been a while,” she shrugged. “I can’t explain it – I just am.”

“You felt alone tonight?”

“Austin,” she began, feeling her throat tighten painfully. “I feel alonenow… something’s off and I don’t know what it is or what has happened. You know? I went from happier than I’ve ever been - to feeling pressured, overwhelmed, alarmed, and very alone…”

“Me too,” he admitted, sliding his arms around her waist and she couldn’t help but jump at the unexpected hug. “Is this alright?”

“Yeah. I just…” she began and then sighed. “Nothing.”

“Talk to me.”

“I just didn’t expect you to hug me or touch me, because I figured that I had done or said something wrong at some point. I thought you were mad at me.”

“No,” he said, holding her close. “I don’t know that I could ever be mad at you – and if I was? I don’t think it would stick.”

He laughed softly, pressing a small kiss to her temple.

“There is something about you that just calls to me… and it would be like being mad at myself. I kinda like who I am,” he chuckled, teasing her.

“I really like us being friends and having each other,” she whispered tearfully. “And if I have done something wrong, pressured you, or made you feel badly…”

“Giselle,” he interrupted softly. “I just don’t ever want to let you down – and I’m scared because what I feel for you, for us, is very intense. One guy mentioned that you might be taking me to see your parents for a reason and…”

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