Page 66 of Forever Fabled

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“July,” he whispered, staring at his burger in sudden awareness. By the end of the summer, he needed to have more of a concrete idea of what he wanted his future to look like – and contract dates hadn’t been something either of them discussed yet.

He had no idea how long she was going to be stationed in Ghazni or what her plans were for the future. They had been so focused on each other, communicating, and falling in love, wrapped in their own private bubble… that real life hadn’t intruded – yet.

…But it was here now.

“Giselle?” Harley said gently. “When is your reenlistment date for the Army?”

“July,” she said quietly – and Austin’s head whipped to the side to look at her in shock.

They were both up…this year?!

“Hmmm… interesting how things work, isn’t it?” Caboose said openly. That single brief statement spoken aloud was obviously what was echoing in everyone’s mind.

“Medic, right?” Glory said quietly, watching her.

“I think that’s the shortest sentence you have ever spoken!?” Firefly retorted openly as Alpo walked back into the classroom. “Apparently us men need a few lessons from the love-guru, because if it got Glory quiet…”

“Speak for yourself,” Caboose uttered, and Romeo laughed.


“Firefly – stuff something in that mouth of yours, would you?” Glory glared at him as Alpo took a seat beside her, putting his hand on her back. “I’m just thinking about a few things and…”

“About me, babe?” Alpo interrupted, grinning.

“Always, pookiebear.”

“Oh shoot,” Austin muttered, getting to his feet. “I’ll be right back.”

He got up and walked towards the kitchenette where they had originally started to put the food for lunch – and grabbed the bag he’d picked up for Giselle.

As he walked back, getting close to the doorway, he froze.

They were talking to Giselle in hushed whispers.

“So you two – is it serious? I mean, should we be looking at planes, houses, apartments, business cards, or some jobs for you? What can a medic do? Are you a doctor? A nurse?”

“What? Uh… no, I’d have to get licensing I’m sure, and I don’t know how it works because I never imagined leaving the Army. I mean, I never expected any of this. A plane? A house? What do you mean?”

“We’d help you two find a place to live…”

“Sparky would eventually want an aircraft, I’m sure.”

“That’s actually a thing?” Giselle said, sounding almost as shocked as Austin felt. He hadn’t considered anything past this week, and it was all slamming home in his head. He needed to decide what he wanted, make plans, and talk to her about where they were going…

“Are y’all serious? Has he said he loves you or talked about marriage yet?”


“It’s a legit question and he can’t hear me.”

“She can though – and you don’t want to pressure either of them.”

“It’s not. This is girl-talk and...”

“Y’all,” Giselle spoke again, sounding so painfully quiet that it made his heart hurt. “I don’t think we are there yet or anywhere close. This is new between us. I mean, we were literally talking and just friends a few days ago. This is all so sudden and fast. I don’t ever want to pressure him into doing something he would regret or that might hurt him – so please don’t bring this up in front of Austin. We’re… friends.”


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