Page 58 of Forever Fabled

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“Welcome to the family, Sarge,” Caboose grinned, shaking her hand. “You realize that nothing in your noggin will be the same after this, right? You are here, with our gang, and you’ll be indoctrinated – so I hope you two are serious because nobody gets out alive.”

“What?” Giselle said, paling and looking at Austin.

“We’ll be alive,” he blurted. “He’s just being funny.”

“Sure, kiddo. Let’s go and you can meet everyone, Sarge.”

“You can call me Giselle…” she said quickly, frowning.

“Oh no,Sargeis definitely a much better name and you’ll fit right in with the gang,” Caboose grinned – and bumped knuckles with Firefly. “I freakin’ love this part of my job.”

“Why do you think I came with you? The best part of wakin’ up is picking up my Sparky-pup…” Firefly sang happily.

Austin opened the car door for Giselle, and she sat down in a feminine manner that made him nearly sigh aloud. He loved the delicate movements she made, tucking her feet under her.

“No neckin’ in the back seat either, you two,” Firefly grinned.



Austin was holdingher hand as they pulled onto a side road in the middle of nowhere. She could see the fence line, and fields as far as the eye could see, with a massive looming hangar in the distance - doors wide open.

“It’s early and we are just getting started…” Caboose said easily, as if reading her mind. “We run on rotations because we have so many team members. It gives us a chance to stay active, brush up on our skills, and spend a lot of time at home with our families, too. I think Alpo, Harley, Thumper, and Houdini are the ones here the most.”

She didn’t say anything because she didn’t recognize any of those names. The car pulled in, turning past the fence, onto a gravel road and then coming to a stop beside a few other vehicles.

“We’re home, honey…” Firefly joked, already getting out of the car. “C’mon and meet everyone.”

Giselle glanced at Austin, who was smiling and already opening his car door. She needed to not quite be so nervous and relax, because he was obviously at home with these people.

On base, everyone was dedicated and driven. They talked about work, orders, medications, procedures, and occasionally family life – or at least that was how it was in the clinic setting.

This seemed… foreign to her.

These guys were so… happy?

As she got out of the car, people began emerging from the building and the hangar. She heard several shouts as Austin was almost immediately tackled by two men.

“Houdini! X-Ray!” Austin was grinning and laughing, “Oh my gosh, fellas! How are you all doing?”

They were hugging him, patting him on the back, and welcoming him like a long-lost brother – and she was justthere.

… But that feeling only lasted seconds.

“Glory? Harley?” Firefly began in a booming voice. “Meet Sarge.”

“Oh my gosh,” Giselle muttered under her breath as every eye suddenly focused on her and some woman with pigtails did a double take before squealing aloud, sprinting across the runway, and launching herself at Giselle.

“Oh.My.Gosh.You.Are.So.Dang.Cute!” – each word punctuated with a shake as the woman grabbed her by the shoulders, punctuated by a flurry of high-pitched words, rattling her teeth.

“Glory! Babe!” a man was walking over, and Austin was rushing to her side. “Honey,hugs… okay?”

“Hunter…” the woman whined. “She’s sooo stinkin’ cute and her call sign is Sarge? I mean, how precious is that?! I didn’t even know you could pick something like that…”

“It’s not a call sign,” Firefly chimed in with a sing-song voice.

“Hi. I’m Glory and welcome to our world. You are gonna love it here and such a cutie-patootie! When did you and Sparky get married? Should we get Dixie to make a cake? Do we need to get FlyGIRL shirts made up? See Harley? I told you we should get some. I mean, just look at her. She’s precious and already one of us. Can you imagine the business cards with Sarge on the front? Sheer perfection…”

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