Page 5 of Forever Fabled

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“You can be friends with someone… especially if you never plan on meeting them.”

“Do you even hear yourself? How’s this supposed to work? They are right next door, ya’ big doofus… and what do you mean – ‘never meet them’?”

“Permission to speak freely granted, Mrs. Perry…” he laughed.

“Oh hush, it’s just us, and we aren’t talking about work. Seriously, though – how are you going to keep them from meeting?”

“Orders, Perry… it’s called ‘orders’.”

“Wait, have you lost your marbles? The ‘doofus’ comment now remains and is no longer retracted. Youarea doofus, Logan!” Gretchen hissed, and Giselle could hear the woman slap her forehead, covering her mouth to keep from laughing aloud.

“You are going toORDERsomeone to write one of the pilots next door, and tell them they can’t say where they are at… and you think someone will agree to do that?”

Giselle had seen the handsome pilots in the distance, those dreamy jumpsuits, the funny motions that the ground crew made waving them forward… and the ones they made in return from the canopy of their planes. She loved watching the silent hand gestures and mimics they made, as if they were speaking another language.

It made her smile… and yeah...

They had caught her once or twice standing near the fence watching them takeoff and land while covering her ears painfully. It was fascinating to watch them signal to each other.

Just seeing some well-built guy in uniform strut towards the planes like he was in charge… and the way they would caress the aircraft during their pre-flight check?

Their hands touching the bombs, stroking the wing, checking the components of their sophisticated planes. The pilots had memorized every seam, every integral part, and knew every place to touch… and it was sensual – but in a very weird way.

Before Giselle could even think – her traitorous body rounded the corner and her equally deceptive mouth opened before her brain could control either of them.

“I’ll do it,” she volunteered – and slapped her own hand over her mouth, before stepping back into the shadows, praying that they didn’t notice her.

“SEE?” Logan snapped. “Now, was that so hard? I’ve got my volunteer faster than I expected. This is excellent. Problem solved.”

“Did you know she was there?” Gretchen hissed loudly.

“Duh…” he repeated once more, chuckling. “Blood, bandages, and boo-boos she can handle efficiently – but stealthy spying? Not so much. C’mon out, Beck.”

Giselle stepped forward and expected to be reprimanded for eavesdropping on the duo that was obviously up to something.

“How much did you hear?” Captain Logan smiled and leaned back to sit on the desk behind him, crossing his ankles and looking at her. She had never seen the captain smile.

Oh, she’d seen him yell at people to keep them in line, but this was… weird.


“A lot,” she breathed nervously and hated the way her voice shook.

“What do you think of taking the chance of a lifetime?” Captain Logan began softly, almost as if he was trying to ‘sell’ her on the idea.


The joke was on him - Giselle was already ‘sold’.

“What if I told you that you could have a chance to get to know someone, befriend them, and it wouldn’t involve anything other than just writing an email? You never know who you might meet… it could even be your best friend or perhaps the love of your life?”

“But isn’t the ‘Romeo Squad’stationed onthisside of the fence?” Giselle said softly – and Gretchen barked out a laugh that got her a sharp glance from the captain.

“It is,” he hedged. “And try not to refer to my guys asthat– please? This would be a secret – on the opposite side of the fence. You couldn’t tell anyone that you were writing to someone. It would have to be from your personal email, not your Army one, and absolutely no revealing your location.”


“Security protocol, of course.”

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