Page 29 of Forever Fabled

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Would she ever admit that? Absolutely not!

He was pitching underhanded, taunting her with the idea of creating a fairytale… yet using tried & true phrases already there. Where was the original stuff? Thegoodstuff? Stuff he was thinking of, dreaming about, or creating?

She wanted to know that – and this was practically cheating…

The stinker!

* * *


Seriously? Again?

Two can play that game… I thought you wanted to create our own story? When are we going to get past the quotes and clips that make up every single fable?

“Once upon a time…

Long, long ago…

There was a HANDSOME knight…

And a frustrated but BREATHTAKING paladin with infinite patience…”

Gauntlet thrown.


P.S. See you soon for the ‘fence rendezvous’… LOL.

* * *

Giselle gotin a chow line to eat with Donna, Carla, and Madeline, so she wasn’t sitting alone. The line was out the door, which meant it was something good to eat… or the rumors were true. She’d heard that there was a restock at the exchange if there was a large delivery – that meant treats.

As she got her tray and slid it down the railing, she watched as they doled everyone up the same thing unless you spoke up quickly. Chicken tenders, whipped potatoes, cream gravy, buttered corn, and…

Giselle hesitated, smiling.

There – at the end of the line, was Captain Logan.

The man was seriously awesome on so many levels, and everyone respected him. He was taking his time, talking to each person, which explained the long lines, and literally plopping scoops of ice cream on top of cherry cobbler.

Her esteem for the man only grew, because this was a brilliant strategy to meet, speak, and talk to each person on base. No one expected this. This was not required or assumed. This was something he’d taken on himself to bond with his people.

“Hey Beck,” Captain Logan smirked. “How’s ‘Project Sparky’going?”

“Fine,” she squawked nervously, clearing her throat. “Just fine. Why?”

“What’s ‘project Sparky’?” Donna whispered under her breath.

“Just some paperwork…” she replied quickly, and saw Logan’s wink as he handed her a dish. “Thank you, sir.”

“Let me know if you need anything, Beck.”

“Will do, sir.”

“Oh my gosh, the captain was so nice…”

“I know! Can you believe that? He was just smiling and…”

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