Page 24 of Forever Fabled

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“Sure. I’ll bring the water again.”

“I’ll bring a treat.”

They stood there nervously for a moment, and she smiled politely, raising her hand silently to say ‘goodbye’. Her eyes roved over his face in the shadows and wished there was a little more moonlight or something, so she could see him better.

He was a little taller than her – and she came to his chin. There was a slight goatee on his face, outlining that smile… and noticed that he was looking over her just as intently, making her instantly nervous.

“I guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow evening, then.”

“Until tomorrow, Giselle,” he said gently, raising a hand to wave ‘bye’ as well, before stepping back from the fence. She nodded, and they both began to jog off towards their respective buildings.

* * *

An hour later,she was still smiling as she lay there in her bunk, thinking.



Austin laythere in his bunk, his mind racing. It was four in the morning, and he was already wide awake and ready to start his day – just so it would hurry through the hours so he could see Giselle again.

She was pretty, from what he could tell in the shadows, and really liked her voice. There was this soft southern drawl he recognized and gave him a slight pang of homesickness that he never thought would hit him since he bounced from house to house in foster care.

Yet, when she talked?

The way she rolled her ‘Rs’ and drew out certain words – it was there – and he could have listened to her talk for hours about nothing. He wanted her to look at their get-togethers like he did… to him it was a date(ish).

Gosh, yesterday he’d been so angry that the bruised bananas looked so bad in the mess hall that he’d skipped them and grabbed two of the tiny chocolate chip cookies instead.

Today would be a little different, though.

The exchange was supposed to be getting a shipment in, which meant that there would be new stuff… and it would pack the small shop with airmen looking for prizes to set aside. Last month he got two cylinders of Pringles that were near crumbles and a package of Sour Patch Kids. While he wasn’t exactly a fan of sour candies…?

Candy was candy – let’s be honest.

Getting up, he padded silently down to the communications room in his socks, t-shirt, and running shorts… just to send an email to Giselle. It was empty, and he was grateful that he would have a little time to himself without having to make sure no one was looking over his shoulder.


Thank you for yesterday. I know you were nervous, and I would never breathe a word. Trust your honorable ‘knight’ to do the right thing. I can’t wait to see you later.

Have a great day, my fair paladin…


Getting up from his seat, he suddenly had an idea and sat back down. He opened up a tab on the computer and started searching, looking for a surprise to have shipped here for Giselle – just to see her smile.

It had to be small enough to get through the holes in the fence – or unbreakable if he had to chuck it over the tall chain-link fencing. It wouldn’t really be special, friendly, or even romantic if he had to ‘pitch’ it over, but he wanted something to slip in her hand… just so she could store it or look at it, and think of him.

“And I think I want her to think of me,” he breathed, his eyes scrolling across the screen rapidly.

Clicking on a few things, he put them in his basket online and moved to check out. They were silly little trinkets. Things that would probably mean nothing to anyone else – and he hoped that they meant something to her.

“You’re up early.”

Austin jumped in his seat to see Reaper standing there in the doorway, looking at him curiously. The other man was in the same state of dress he was practically in, and looked like he’d just rolled out of his bunk.

“Morning, sir…”

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