Page 103 of Forever Fabled

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That accursed sand got everywhere.

“Home sweet home,” she whispered to herself, stowing the gear before picking up her bag and throwing it over her shoulder.

Climbing down carefully, she turned to Selkirk.

“Thank you for the ride – and for giving us a few moments.”

“Why azoomie?” he asked, surprising her as she looked at him for the first time. He looked almost… disappointed? None of the guys on base had ever interested her because they felt like ‘buddies’ or ‘brothers’ – and honestly, she couldn’t even fathom talking to someone that she worked with.

“He’s my best friend,” she answered, not holding back. “I signed up with Logan to get a pen pal and…”

Selkirk rolled his eyes and cursed.

“Never mind,” he muttered. “Say no more.”

“Why?” she chuckled, surprised at his response.

“I was wondering why the guys were suddenly pushing so hard for everyone to get a pen pal… and the first email I got was a doozie. I didn’t reply.”

“You should,” she smiled. “There might be something to Logan’s Romeo Squad…”

“Talbot’s single,” Selkirk winked at her, grinning. “You didn’t have to go slumming you know. You could have had your choice of guys on base.”

“No thank you,” she said nervously, feeling very weird about this whole conversation. “I’m married, not looking, and you guys should work your whole angle with your pen pals – not me.”

“Morrison? What about Peña?” he teased, following her as she turned to walk away.

“Selkirk, that needle is getting duller by the second, buster.”

“Keyes? Although the stick-in-the-mud might be a little boring…”

“NO!” she snapped, whirling around and glaring at him. “Not interested and happily married. Do you not understand what ‘no’ means?”

“Awww relax, Doc…” he grinned, playfully pushing her gently on the arm. “You are like a sister to all of us and it would be just creepy-weird anyhow. I’m happy for you – even if you were slumming.”

“It’s not slumming,” she muttered, smiling at the man. “I feel like I won the lottery, actually.”

“I’m happy for you.”

“Thank you,” she acknowledged, “…And you should go write your friend.”

“Well, maybe I will…?” he mocked, making a face before walking off shaking his head, before saluting her loosely.

Giselle looked over her shoulder towards the Air Force base, seeing the planes in the distance… and one lone figure standing beside a building holding his duffle bag, watching and waiting.


Unabashedly, she waved her hand ‘hello’ high above her head, touched that he was looking for her as much as she searched for him. If she knew him, he was probably making sure she got ‘home’ safely and was touched by the little things he did to show he cared.

Walking into the building, she passed the clinic and went straight back to the wing that was being used for the female barracks. Crossing the room, she dropped her bag down on the bunk as exhaustion hit her.

It had been a very busy week… and a long fourteen-hour flight with two layovers. While she wasn’t ready to be away from Austin, she was glad to finally ‘stop’ for a moment to catch her breath from the whirlwind that enveloped them both.

Unzipping the bag, she began taking out her uniforms and smiled at the small box inside that had been taped carefully with bubble wrap to the point it was almost a puffy ball. She’d laughed so hard at seeing him packing her spicy ketchup he’d smuggled out of the Whataburger in a baggie.

As she picked up the box, she hesitated.

Underneath the hastily packaged bundle of bubble wrap and masking tape, was a tiny white box tied with a red ribbon.

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