Page 11 of Hidden Truths

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“Too much shit over the past couple of days.”

“You should let me go then. One less thing for you to worry about.”

“I will. When you tell me the truth.”

I blink. “What truth?”

“Why were you on the truck full of drugs that was sent to the Albanians, and why were you starved half to death when we found you?” he asks casually. “We can start with why you lied to me in the first place, Miss Sandoval.”

Oh, fuck. I shut my eyes, trying to subdue the rise of panic. He knows who I am, but it doesn’t seem like he is aware that Diegois looking for me, so not all is lost. “How do you know who I am? We’ve never met.”

“The Bratva always does thorough research of all our potential partners. Including their family members. There is no point in lying anymore.”

I open my eyes and find him watching me. “So, now what?”

“Now you tell me what you were doing on that truck.”

I look away. No chance in hell I can tell him the truth. The Bratva does business with Diego, so they will send me back the moment they hear he’s looking for me. I’m not risking it.

“It was personal. It shouldn’t concern you or the Bratva.”

“Everything that happens in this city concerns The Bratva. Especially when a cartel princess lands at my feet, seemingly out of nowhere.”

“It was you who found me?” I ask.

“Yes.” He leans back and tilts his head up, staring at the ceiling. “Mikhail and I went to intercept the shipment. The intel we had said that there will be a girl on the truck, so we got you out before I blew it up.”

“You blew up the truck full of drugs? Why not just take it.”

“Pakhan wanted to make a statement.” He shrugs as if it’s completely normal to destroy several million dollars’ worth of product just to make a statement.

“A rather expensive statement.”

“Yeah. Roman is a fan of theatrics.” He looks over at me. “I’ll ask Nina to send you more clothes tomorrow.”

“Nina?” Is that Sergei’s girlfriend? I look down at the T- shirt I’m wearing. The fact that I’m dressed in his girlfriend’s clothes doesn’t sit well with me.

“Roman’s wife,” he clarifies.

“Oh. Pass her my thanks.” I’m glad it’s not his girlfriend’s stuff. “I need you to let me go, Sergei. Please.”

“Sure. As soon as you tell me what I need to know.”

I press my lips together and lie back down, covering myself with the blanket to my chin.

“Nothing to share?”

“Nope,” I mumble.

“When that changes, let me know, and we will discuss your freedom.”

I regard him for a long time as he keeps sitting there, staring at the ceiling in silence, his body completely still. I’ve heard stories about him. My father’s men loved to gossip, especially when they got drunk. From what they said, I got the impression that Sergei Belov was some kind of crazed killer, going around and offing people for no reason. Now I’ve met him, however, that image doesn’t seem accurate. He doesn’t come across as crazy to me. In fact, he acts like a pretty normal guy.

Maybe I could try seducing him, and then get away when his guard is down. Yeah, right. I almost snicker out loud at the thought of Angelina Sandoval, a book nerd, and local weirdo who’s slept with exactly one man in her twenty-two years, becoming a queen of seduction. He would laugh at me if I tried.

I let my eyes travel over his body, noticing the way his wide chest and shoulders strain the material of the black T-shirt he’s wearing, and stop my inspection at his forearms. Thick, strong, and corded with perfectly shaped muscles. Some women are attracted to a man’s hair or mouth. I’ve always been a forearms girl.

I yawn. Does he expect me to go to sleep with him lurking there? I can normally crash in the weirdest of places. In fact, I once fell asleep at a bar, leaning on Regina’s shoulder as some guy tried to convince her to go out with him. But I don’t think I can sleep while a stranger, whom I consider a threat, is sitting in the same room. What if he tries something? Although, there were enough opportunities for him to do so while I was passed out that first night, and he didn’t.

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