Page 84 of Savage Seduction

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She yanked open her bedroom door and pushed me out.

I stood in the hallway, shaking. I had wanted to tell Marco the truth. But not like this.

Oh God, not like this.

Chapter 31


I was bored of work, and itching to go home to Beth. She had seemed not herself this morning, and it had lingered on my mind. But my work today was far from done.

When the day’s legitimate client meetings finished, I phoned Jacob, telling him I was ready to see him.

Father had liked to run his business from our family home, but I kept my offices in Knightsbridge in a high-end town house, where the ordinary exterior hid the high security, and that all access points into the building were fully controlled by my team.

The interior had been converted into high-end luxury offices to impress my financial market and other business contacts. An interior designer had selected all the paintings and sculptures, creating the air of power and sophistication expected.

All this art had meant nothing to me before, but recently I’d wondered what Beth might have chosen for me. Not that I would ever bring her into this part of my life.

Today, for the first time in years, I had called Jacob into my private office for the sort of business my father would have handled.

Ever vigilant, Jacob remained standing while I lounged in my chair.

“Have you found him yet?” I demanded.

Jacob was the only one of my team I had entrusted to the matter of tracking down Jonathan Landry. Because I had decided Landry had to die. It was the only way I could guarantee Beth’s safety, and I wouldn’t risk her life for scum like him.

Jacob was of an age with my father and had worked side by side with him for decades, ever loyal. He was used to this side of the business.

But perhaps he had thought those days were behind him once the baton had passed to me, because now Jacob looked uneasy.

He shook his head. “I’m looking into who Landry was laundering money for. They’re abroad. They must have contacts and offices in this country, and Landry is likely to be hiding there. I’ll find him. I just need time.”

“You have no time,” I said. “I want him before that fool gets it in his head to come after Beth again, or sets his contacts on her. I won’t have her harmed.”

Jacob had been supposed to be watching Landry, to abduct him the moment he was let loose on bail. But Landry had somehow slipped through his fingers, going to ground like a rat. Clearly, the man was no fool and knew I would come for him.

“Boss, wouldn’t caution be better? If you’re thinking of folding the money laundering operation into your businesses, then we need to be careful. We need to find the head and cut it off.”

I drummed my fingers impatiently on my desktop. “Not if it risks Beth.”

Part of me didn’t care much about the idea of taking over another criminal enterprise. Part of me had thought the law would do its job this time. But the law had screwed me.

The law had made me realise that this darker side of life was necessary, after all. Without it—without control of the sorts of people willing to kill for me—I had made myself weak. Left my family open to being attacked.

That a piece of scum like Landry thought he could put his hands on my woman left me shaking with pure rage.

These people needed to know I would not hesitate to cut them down.

Mother would hate it, but perhaps some evils were necessary.

Jacob frowned. “Perhaps you should inform Beth that Landry is out on bail, so that she can stay vigilant.”

“No,” I snapped. “She’s been through enough. She doesn’t need to know. And you’ll be finding him soon, won’t you, Jacob?”

My impatience was barely concealed. What use were the police and other contacts we’d cultivated all these years if they couldn’t help with this? Jacob had known those people the longest, and his reluctance was only getting in my way. I knew full well he was dragging his feet.

“Bring me better news next time you come in here,” I said tersely. “You can leave.”

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