Page 8 of Odin

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My eyebrows furrow but before I can ask what option B is, Odin is throwing the blanket he covered us up with back exposing me yet again. My nipples pebble and the areolas crinkle in the cool air.

“Ander…Odin…damn it, whatever the hell you call yourself, what is option B?”

“Option B is where I make you cum until you can’t help but fall asleep.”

He takes me by the ankles and pulls my legs apart.

“Wait, what?! I’m not sure Option B is going to work!”

But Odin doesn’t listen to me. He can’t hear me because he’s got both ears covered by my thighs.

Chapter Six



As soon as I lay my mouth on Lori, I realize the trouble I’m in. It’s a good thing I didn’t have a taste six years ago or I would have been going to prison for an entirely different reason than went for. This pussy… ought to be illegal. If I had known that she was walking around with a fucking cunt made of spun sugar and tart cherries I would have been on her morning, noon, and night. She would have been knocked up with so many of my babies by now we could start our own baseball team.

And I’ve just licked around on the outside of it. I spread her little lips apart and take careful stock of what I’ve unwrapped. Because doing this, taking Lori like this is nothing short of a gift I’ve been given. And unlike her father or mine, I understand the value of a gift.

I like the fact she changed her name to Lori. It fits somehow. That we both made something different than what we were handed out of our lives fits us and somehow, we fit together too.

I’m going to take my time too. I’ve wanted this woman for years now. More than the six we’ve been apart. For longer than I should. This woman has meant everything to me…the reason I’ve done everything I have done from the day I first committed murder…no, probably longer than that. She’s the reason I went to jail, the reason I worked so hard to get out, the reason I pushed to become president of the motorcycle club. All for her. So if there’s doubt in anyone’s mind that I am going to take my time …they can fuck right off.

If I have to, I’ll still be here tomorrow with my face buried in her sweet body as she tries to walk down the aisle. Or hell, she’s a tiny little thing and I’ve worked out a lot…a lot, she can just sit on my face as I walk down the aisle with her wrapped around me like a fucking ski mask. Fuck anyone who doesn’t like it.

I lay my tongue on her finally and take my first lick. The flavor explodes on my tongue even as Lori cries out and pushes off the bed. She calls my name as she presses forward into me, making me feel like a goddamned king. She doesn’t understand what she’s telling me with her body, but I am listening, watching. I understand that if it was something she didn’t want she wouldn’t be driving her pussy into my face like she’s doing now. She wouldn’t be crying out for me and spreading her legs wider and wider for me. She might tell me she’s left the past behind, that she doesn’t feel anything for me, but her body could never lie.

I settle down with the warm, wet little treat in front of me and use my tongue and teeth to drive her higher and higher until she stiffens and her thighs shake through an orgasm that leaves her even sweeter. God fucking damn it! How the hell did this little thing get sweeter? How does that even happen?

I have no fucking idea but she sure as shit did. Her little body goes limp, but I’m not nearly done with her. I start all over again, this time not leaving any part of her unlicked and unexplored. I finally let her rest after I’ve eaten her to two more orgasms. The only reason I stop is because I’m worried the poor little thing will have beard burn so bad she won’t be able to walk down the aisle to me tomorrow.

I roll over so I’m not hurting her and check on her wrists. I noticed her pulling at the cuffs a couple of times while I was eating her. When I check though, she’s not rubbed herself raw on the metal. I think of taking them off her but I’m not sure I won’t fall asleep beside her just because of how…comforting it is to have her next to me. In the end, I leave them on and snuggle up beside her.

I’ve not started to doze off when she starts moving beside me and pulling at the cuffs. Unlike when she did it with me as I was eating her, this time she is violently trying to free herself. I take the cuffs off and lay them on her side table before taking Lori in my arms to find out what is going on.

“No! No! No! This can’t be happening!”

At first, my heart starts to thud faster because I’m worried she’s dreaming about me. and I have no doubt that she’s dreaming, her eyes are closed and she’s not moving like she normally would. Great! I really am the monster most people think I am…but then…

“Joanne. Joanne run! JOANNE!” Tears start to run down her temple and she starts trying to flail around again.

I have to distract her somehow and the only way I have is with my body. I bend down and take her mouth with mine. At first, she still fights with me but then she calms down and to my surprise starts kissing me back. Should I stop now that she’s not hurting any longer? Probably. Am I going to? Hell no!

I kiss down her cheeks before coming back to her mouth and taking her mouth the same way I want to take her body. Then I start trailing kisses down her neck and over the swell of her chest and the curve of her breast until I can take in the tight little raspberry nipple at the top. I lave them with my tongue before sucking on them until she’s sawing her legs back and forth telling me she needs my mouth on her in other places.

Her hands come up to bury themselves in my hair and I feel the bite of her nails grazing my scalp. I pop off her tit so I can run my mouth farther down her body until I'm at the sweet little cotton candy pussy she’s kept safe for me all these years. I make sure to kiss her softly, so I don’t make the bread burn worse than it already is.

I don’t push her or try to speed up the process but somehow, she responds like I’ve been eating her for hours. Her legs squeeze up around my head and she rides my face to her climax before dropping off into dreamless sleep. For now, she’s good and I can go back to being curled up by her side. I take the handcuffs and put one side on her and the other on me then I pull her into my arms and nestle her soft ass up next to my cock straining in my jeans. I don’t dare even unzip the fucking things or I’ll do something my Princess isn’t ready for.

The thought of why she has nightmares chasing her through the night starts to grind away at me until I’m both pissed she had to witness what she saw and remorseful about not being there for her when I should have been. It eats at me, gnawing even in my dreams as they are full of blood and revenge for this tiny thing resting in my arms.

I must have fallen asleep because I’m being woken up by Lori having another dream. She’s kicking and punching like her life depends on it and by the time I have her under control I’m worried she’s going to hurt herself.

“Lori. Damn it, Lori, wake up. Wake up, honey. You’re safe. I’m right here and nothing is going to hurt you.”

She calms and I spot the glint of her eyes under her thick lashes as she opens them just a crack. “O…Odin?”

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