Page 46 of The Exception

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“Really,” I said. “Your next orgasm is mine.”

“My next orgasm is yours,” Kandace agreed. “Good night, Eli.”

“Good night, Kandace.” I didn’t want to hang up, but I made myself do so.

The warm fuzzy feeling lingered through the night, and was there the next morning when I got ready for work. I was hard in the shower, thinking about the conversation with Kandace.

On my way out the door, I paused to saygoodbyeto Austin, but he was still hidden in his room. Instead, I made sure the cereal was easy for him to reach, so he could have breakfast.

The short drive to the filming location gave me more time to think about Kandace. I was so completely smitten. I wasn’t sure if it was my mood that helped the morning go so well, or if it was just a good day.

A little before lunch, Andrew tracked me down. He had a woman by his side who had long, dark hair, and was about my age. She was objectively attractive, but I had someone else on my mind.

“This is Isabella.” Andrew introduced her. “We’ve just cast her in Tara’s role.”

We’d had a hard time filling that part. Andrew wanted someone who was actually Italian, who spoke the language, and we’d found the perfect actress, but she’d gotten a higher paying offer somewhere else.

If Andrew liked her, that was fine with me. I shook her hand. “Pleasure to meet you.”



Phone sex.

First masturbating while two people got each other off, and then phone sex.

Who was I?

When did Eli and Joystick’s roles in my life trade places? Eli was the one I was having the filthy fantasies about, and I wanted to spend time seeing what was going on in Joystick’s brain.

But saying they’d traded places wasn’t a fair way to put it. I’d spent just enough time with each of them to admit neither was a two-dimensional outlet for my years of pent-up frustration. Neither was a fling or a wild way for me to forget for a few hours at a time that I was a responsible adult.

That presented a new problem because wild-Kandace and boring-normal-plain-Kandace both wanted both men. What was I supposed to do with that?

The conundrum taunted me for days, mingling with me thinking about Joystick’s restaurant plans of all things. If he were anyone else, if he came to me with an idea like the one I’d seen spread out on his desk, I’d want to help him grow it.

It wasn’t the kind of project I invested in. Raul and Diego were as much diversification for me as anything, and their chain would hit a wider audience. But what Joystick was doing… It was still unique. Fascinating. The kind of thing I’d love to be involved in.

The thing was, he hadn’t come to me. He hadn’t asked me for help. Offering felt like overstepping.

And I wanted to go out with him again. Without having to give up Eli.

Thursday morning, I wrapped up a small team call, and Carly stayed on the phone to chat. It was a shame I hadn’t realized I could be friends with her until right before she moved to Italy.

I was glad she’d taken the job to manage our European office, though—she was top notch at the job. And I was happy for her and the love she’d found.

“Did Joystick ever find you?” Her question came out of left field.


“I know, I’m a horrible friend. I should’ve told you the minute he left here, and I meant to, but it’s not the kind of thing one drops in a text, and we haven’t had a chance to talk until now.”

No. Really. “What?”

“Are you going deaf in your old age?” She teased.
