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The tears spill over. “I never stopped, either.”

Oh, fuck. That sends my heart careening.

I bang into her again, each stroke faster and more insistent than the last. “You really love me?”

Whitney hesitates, then she nods and lets out a low moan full of need and pain.

“Answer me,” I bark. “Say it.”

“I love you,” she cries out, holding me tighter, pressing kisses across my shoulder and into my neck.

That’s all I needed to hear. “I love you, too.”

And I’m never letting her go. I don’t give two fucks who she’s engaged to, she’s marrying me. And I hope like hell she’s not on birth control because I’m going to do my level best to get a ring on her finger and a baby in her belly this week.

She’s never getting away again.

“Oh, princess.” I shuttle into her faster, faster. My lungs work like a bellows.

“Jett!” she screams seconds before her pussy grips me like a vise, her body jerks, and a low groan tears from her throat.

I keep pace, doing my best to prolong her pleasure, but I can’t hold out anymore, not physically. Orgasm is going to run me over, ruin me, and it will be the most delicious end ever.

But I can’t resist emotionally, either. Whitney has my heart; she always has. I’ve been lying to myself about that for far too long.

As she grips me tighter, the wave crests over me, too. I’m suspended in a pleasure unlike anything I’ve ever felt. Lights flash behind my eyes. There’s a buzzing in my brain. Every part of me from top to toe pings electric. I clutch Whitney and let go, pouring every bit of myself into her.

There’s no denying it now; I’m hers forever.

And there’s no going back.

Clinging and kissing, we come down together, hearts racing, breaths harsh. As if by some unspoken understanding, our gazes connect.

We both know everything has changed.

“Did that really just happen?” she whispers. “Did you tell me you love me?”

A little grin flits at my mouth. Honestly, I haven’t smiled much in years, and it feels good. “Yeah. As we were having sex.”

“And it’s true?”

“One-hundred percent.”

Her lips curl up, brightening her expression. “Wow.”


“So that’s what all the fuss is about?”

“You could say that.” Honestly, what we shared was so extra, it was news to me, too. “You waited for me?”

“To have sex?” She nods. “I had opportunities. There was always someone I tried to date or some flirty dude at a party. But I never wanted any of them. No one made me feel like you.”

“No one has ever made me feel like you, either.” When I’m with Whitney, I’m centered. I’m myself. I’m whole. I never got married or serious with another woman because I couldn’t replicate the feeling I had when I was with her. “How were you going to marry some guy you’d never slept with? And didn’t love?”

She grimaces. “It was a business deal. You know Vance needs money. My fiancé needs plausible cover because he’s in love with someone he can’t have. He doesn’t have any more interest in me than I have in him.”

As far as I’m concerned, he’s her former fiancé, but I’ll get to that. “So he never touched you?”

“Except to give me a peck for some engagement photos, no.”

Then I won’t have to kill him. Good.

Reluctantly, I pull free of Whitney’s body. When she winces and shifts, I’m instantly concerned. “You okay, princess? Sore?”

“A little, but I’m fine.”

That’s a relief because I’m going to want her again soon.

For now, I lie back and nestle her body against mine. She rests her head on my chest as if curling up against me is the most natural thing in the world. I caress my way down her back with a light stroke.

I sigh. We may be in love, but that doesn’t make the road in front of us easy. Eventually, I’ll have to be unflinchingly honest.

But first, it’s time to talk about the elephant in the room. “What about your brother?”

We can’t let him stand between us.

She nibbles on her bottom lip for a long minute. “Being here with you has made me realize I can’t sacrifice my future for him. He has to stop being impulsive and getting himself into stupid situations. And if he doesn’t, I have to stop bailing him out. He regrets everything eventually, but by then…it’s usually too late. I think that’s especially true of you.”

I have mixed feelings about that. I’ll deal with those later. “Tell me how he got in his current financial situation.”

How much does she know?

“A few months ago in Vegas, he was drunk, and some asshole—he won’t tell me who—dared him to bet a stupid amount of money on a hand of poker. It just happened to coincide with the value of his company. I think it was a setup. But like an idiot, Vance did it. And he lost. I was crushed because I went to school to help save and grow this company. Now it’s…gone.” She looks so distressed that I soothe her with a caress.

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