Page 7 of Marriage of Sin

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He reaches out and touches my cheek. I let out a soft purr, surprising myself. I move closer to him, looking into his icy eyes, feeling suddenly shy.

I’ve never done this before. Coming home with a man. I’m not sure how it works. Do we just—start having sex? How do we transition from chatting to undressing? Even back in school, I was always the careful one, always home at a reasonable hour, always studying, always making sure nobody got too drunk. And if they did get too drunk, I was calling cabs, holding back hair, and tucking them into bed.

This is so beyond me right now.

But there’s something about this man. It’s the way he’s looking at me, like he knows what he wants and he’s not afraid to reach out and take it. Lucas was never like that—my ex couldn’t make a single decision without fretting over a thousand different likely outcomes.

Finn touched me in the bar without hesitating. He simply told me what he wanted, no mixing words, no backtracking or worrying. One night, nothing more. I like that. It feels good to be wanted, even if it won’t last.

“You don’t need to worry,” he whispers, moving closer. The bubbles in the champagne must be getting to my head because I feel like I’m floating. “I’m not fragile. I don’t think you are, either.”

“No, I’m not.” I lick my lips. “You don’t have to worry about breaking me.”

“Good.” His mouth brushes my cheek. “I never tell people about my family. I never talk about my worries. Complaints are for the weak. Men like me, we solve problems, we don’t let them fester. It feels good, talking to you.”

“I’m glad I could be of service.”

His smile is devilish and terrifying all at once. “I want to be of service to you now, Dara. What can I do for you?”

I finish my champagne. Right, okay,thisis how we transition. He takes the glass and perches it on the railing. “I don’t know,” I whisper, shivering with anticipation. “I don’t know what I need.” Which is only half true.

What Iwantis this man’s mouth on mine.

He pulls me against him. I let out a whimper, shocked at the way my body’s reacting to him. He reaches down to my leg again. I’m in work attire—a simple blouse and a knee-length skirt. He pulls the hem up, running a hand over my thigh.

“You’re stressed,” he whispers in my ear. His hand moving higher. “You’ve been hurt. A man you trusted stole from you. He broke your heart. You need a release.”

“Yes,” I whisper, digging my fingers into his back. Fucking hell, he’s right, I really need it.

“I can give that to you.” His hand reaches the top of my tights and he slowly peels them down. “Do you want to shiver, Dara? Do you want to moan? I want to hear you make sounds you never dreamed you could make. I want to taste you come, Dara. Can you do that for me? Will you release for me?”

Holy shit.

The mouth on this guy.

I’veneverheard someone talk like that before in my life.

And I absolutely love it.

“Yes, please,” I say, biting my lip to keep from making those sounds already.

He gets my tights down and his fingers graze over my panties. He growls, smiling as he pulls back. “You’re soaking wet,” he says. “You dirty girl. You want me to lick you clean, don’t you? You really want to be my girlfriend tonight, don’t you?”

“Please,” I say, losing my mind, unable to take it anymore. “Finn,please. Just kiss me.”

“Anything you want,” he says.

And kisses me.



His tongue is heaven, his lips like clouds. I tumble into that kiss, throwing myself into it, losing myself in his taste. All my anxieties, all my fears, I shove them away and embrace this moment, because there’s only tonight with this man, only tonight and nothing more.

Tomorrow can be terrible. Tomorrowwillbe terrible.

But tonight, I can give myself over to sin and pleasure.
