Page 120 of Four for a Boy

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“And Josh is a good person?”


“What about everyone being in the grey?”

Chad nodded against his thigh. “Everyone is, but Josh is on the lighter side. The worst he’s done is steal a chocolate bar from a shop when he was nine, and he returned it the next day out of guilt. He’s the lightest shade of grey.”

“And I’m the darkest?”

“The monster is.”

The lunchtime news brought their discussion to a stop. Romeo pinned Chad to his thigh when he tried to sit up, and he gave up with a huff when the headlines were announced.

He snatched the remote off the cushion and turned up the volume.

“Ally said they’re going to show the item of clothing they found.”

The reporter mentioned the freezers at the Comberton Recycling center as the suspected source of chloroform, but all Chad wanted to hear about was the find.

The first piece of physical evidence that was bagged and tagged at the station.

When they finally revealed it on screen, it wasn’t the one they’d found, but an identical one taken from the website itmayhave been purchased from.

Chad’s stomach twisted in a knot at the slogan, but Romeo snorted under his breath.

“Are you sure your killer isn’t the one changing the café’s name to DIE?”

Romeo couldn’t stop Chad from struggling upright and glaring at the TV.

The hoodie was bright red with bold block writing.

Anyone can be a serial killer. VW.

The police were asking for people to contact the station if they knew of anyone who owned that hoodie in red.

“I wonder how long that hoodie has been waiting there for you to find.”

“I’m glad you find it funny.” Chad got to his feet only to be yanked back down again.

“Are you glad? Because that scowl on your face says otherwise…”

“I thought this was going to be the breakthrough.”

“Who says it’s not?”

“If the killer’s planted it there—”

“It shows he’s cocky, overconfident. He’ll make a mistake.”

“But how many more people have to die before he does?”

“However many need to.”

“That’s not reassuring.”

Romeo shrugged. “I wasn’t going for reassuring, more … brutally honest.”

He yanked Chad’s shoulder until he collapsed onto his side again. “Now, we’re going to watch the latest instalment of Captain Merge being an idiot.”

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