Page 85 of In the Gray

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I scratched the back of my neck. “Something like that.”

“I thought so.” He nodded, and I could see a glimmer of amusement like he knew the hell I was in for and couldn’t wait. “Well, I’m glad to hear it. It’s about time.” Hudson paused, and I could see the gears turning in his head as he stared me down. “Though I supposewomanmight be a generous admission since Miss. Beck isn’t even old enough to drink yet, and you’re damn near old enough to be her father.”

I could see the censure in his eyes, but I really didn’t give a fuck. I was too far gone to care if it was right. “I don’t know about all that. She’s a little young, but I wouldn’t say I’m old enough to be her father. I had to be like fifteen or sixteen when she was born.”

“You were fucking at sixteen, weren’t you?” he snapped.

I sighed and slouched a little in my seat, already seeing where he was going with this. “Yes, sir.”

He grunted at my reluctant honesty. “Then you’re old enough to be her father.”

“Yo, you out of pocket for saying I’m pushing forty, though.” I cackled, and he did the same. “I’m only thirty-five, old man. Don’t put that monkey on my back just yet.”

“Time comes for us all, son.” His phone rang at that moment, and I knew it was his wife when he winced. “And it looks like I’m out of it.” I snickered when he started throwing shit in his briefcase like Five-o was at the front door and he had enough drugs on him to put him away for life. Ms. Sheila really did have his ass trained. “Anything else you need to know?” he impatiently asked as he finished packing up and stood.

“Umm…yeah. Hypothetically, if I wanted to waste my time romancing her with flowers and dinner just to fuck, where would I take her?”

Hudson’s shoulders sagged with disappointment while his face said he was in disbelief. I impatiently tapped the face of my watch to remind him that his wife was waiting and to get his ass talking. “It’s amazing how you’ve watched your father dote on your mother enough to make sugar taste bitter and yet have learnedabsolutely nothing.” Hudson shook his head. “She’s young, so she’ll want somethinglit,as you youngsters say. Take her to Taste. It’s classy, romantic, and expensive enough to impress her, I’m sure. My grandson is the head chef there. I’ll call him and get you a last-minute reservation.”

“‘Preciate it.”

I remained where I was as he rounded his desk to leave, so he stopped by my chair and placed his hand on my shoulder. “Remember what I said. Even if hell freezes over and she gives you her body, it doesn’t mean you’ve won her. Not yet.” Hudson patted my shoulder and left his office.

I sat there thinking about what he said before pulling out my phone to make a few phone calls. After that was taken care of, I headed downstairs to close down my station and the shop before driving home to prepare.

Hudson was wrong about one thing. Ihadpaid attention to the way my pops treated my mom.

In particular, how he would bring her flowers just for wearing his favorite dress that day or making his favorite meal. So, after debating if I wanted to follow in his footsteps, I stopped by this boutique that was out of my way since Joren swore it got him out of hot water every time he didn’t come home.

I walked out feeling like a fucking simp after spending three hundred dollars on roses. I didn’t even know if Atlas liked flowers. I knew she had no choice but to like these or—


There could be no “or.” Not if I wanted an “after.” I would just man the fuck up like she’d told me so many times and pray she liked them.

I strangled the flower stems as I told myself to chill, but all I did was try to picture her reaction, and my stomach ended up doing some weird shit that made me want to puke.Fuck.Why was it so fucking hot out here? I huffed and tugged my collar away from my neck despite it being the middle of winter.

I still had to convince Atlas to go out with me.



She would go on this date with me even if I had to knock her out to get her to the restaurant.

I spotted a hooded figure lingering near my car while he looked in the opposite direction, so I pulled my heat free as I snuck up on him and had the muzzle pressed to his temple before he even knew I was there. The figure froze, and while I couldn’t see his face, I knew he contemplated making a move.

“You picked the right night to try me, or I’d have splattered your thoughts on the pavement and asked questions later. Lucky for you, it’s date night. My girl won’t appreciate it if I’m late, so I really don’t have time to hide your body.”

“I hope she’s the same girl you had me lift these for.” Taking advantage of my confusion, he used the moment to pull his hand from his hoodie pocket to dangle a familiar string of pearls from his pale tattooed fingers.

“Oh. My bad.” I dropped my hand to tuck my gun away, and he turned around to face me, creeping me out with those blue eyes. His skin was so translucent I could see his veins through his skin, and his white hair made him look like he’d disappear at any moment. Motherfucker looked like a ghost. He even moved like he wasn’t quite of this world. “What’s up, B?”

Britain shrugged and scoped the scene before slipping me the stolen goods.

I had him take it from that rude bitch who came to the shop and talked down to Atlas like she was beneath her.Mrs. Naomi Irving had us both fucked up.

I couldn’t really explain my need to punish anyone who crossed Dream, but I was going to defend her honor nonetheless. After meeting her mother, I knew Atlas believed she didn’t have anyone left in her corner.

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