Page 78 of In the Gray

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Somehow, I missed my hand darting out and curling around the handle of the dirty steak knife someone had carelessly left behind. I was oblivious to it until warm fingers wrapped around mine and gently wrestled the knife away from me, tossing it on the table out of my reach.


He was staring at me now with his brow raised, and I could hear his silent question.Is it really worth it?

I guess that would depend on my intended target—Rowdy or the girl. Perhaps both. I couldn’t say for sure. The girl didn’t owe me a damn thing, and neither did Rowdy. He’d been nothing but honest about his intentions even when I didn’t like the answer.

Still, Rowdy couldn’t eat my pussy the way he did, let me suck his dick the way I did, and expect me not to get territorial. It wasn’t even enough for him to hurt me once tonight. No, he had to cut deeper.

“Get that ho off your lap, or I’m leaving,” I snapped.

“Uh? Excuse me? Who are you calling a ho?” the girl shot back.

A smile played at Rowdy’s lips as we both ignored her. “Nah, she’s good right here. Why? You jealous? There’s room for both of you.” He shifted the bitch on his lap and patted his other thigh.

The game had already begun while we went back and forth, so some girl chose that moment to walk by me for her turn. I shot to my feet, snatched the club out of her hand, and hopped onto the table without regard for the drinks and food cluttering he small surface. The smorgasbord was knocked to the ground as I lifted the club like a baseball bat.

The girl on Rowdy’s lap had only a split second to dive out of the way before I swung.

Screams erupted as the blunt head of the club cut through the air. Before it could connect with Rowdy’s temple, however, the club was snatched out of my hand with so much force it almost sent me toppling off the tabletop.

Suddenly, Joren, who must have arrived during all of the commotion was there. He stood between Rowdy and me now with a perplexed expression on his handsome face and my murder weapon in his hand. “What the fuck is going on?” he shouted.

No one answered him.

Everyone just stood there gaping at the scene I’d made. Rowdy still sat in his exact spot, not uttering a word. There was no anger, shock, amusement, or fear in his expression as he stared up at me.

He just…looked at me.

Slowly, the red haze I’d fallen in lifted at the same time I felt gentle hands guiding me off the table.

“Easy,” a quiet, raspy voice soothed when I tried to snatch away. My gaze followed the unfamiliar voice, and I froze when I saw who it belonged to.


He’dspokento me.

I stared at him, mostly from awe, but partly because I was too afraid to meet anyone else’s gaze.

This time I let Golden help me down, and together, we left the bay. I thought he was taking me home until we stopped at the adjoining section. The group there was smaller, but they all gave me a wide berth, having seen my outburst.

It was just like the co-eds after I caught Sutton and Sienna together. I’d blacked out and let the dark thing lurking inside of me free. It had been there ever since my father started dying, slowly taking form and growing stronger as he became weaker.

Golden led me over to the couch, and surprised me again when he sat next to me instead of leaving me on my own. I wanted to beg him to take me home, but I didn’t trust my own judgment after what I almost did, so I stayed silent.

Golden didn’t speak to me again, and I wondered if I’d imagined it. By the time the current game finished, I was feeling normal again—if not a little embarrassed—and had even agreed to play when this cutie named Will, who was cool with Roc invited me.

It took me a while to get the hang of it even with Will’s help, but once I did, I was addicted. Rowdy had been right, as reluctant as I was to admit it. This was fun.

Before long, I was on my fourth game with the third highest score, beaten out only by Will and Golden.

“Yes!” I cheered when I managed to sink the ball into the third farthest ring. The only ones who’d been able to reach the last ring so far had been the Kings. Even though I was now in a different section, the space was still open enough for me to see what was happening in their section and vice versa.

Rowdy was back to himself, talking shit, scaring everyone, and pretending nothing had happened, so I decided to do the same.

“See? I told you all you needed was the right form,” Will told me as he crossed the red line meant to keep spectators at a safe distance and came to stand beside me.

Feeling a little too much of Will and Golden’s drinks that I’d stolen sips from whenever they weren’t looking, I threw my arms around Will’s neck and grinned up at him. “And the right teacher,” I flirted back. “Thank you, cutie.”

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