Page 70 of In the Gray

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“Yeah,” I said as I pulled into the parking lot of the auction site. It was here that I bought most of the cars I rebuilt in my spare time, most of which I flipped for a profit, while others, like the Hellcat and Jailbreak, I added to my personal fleet. “He fucked me up, but I made sure that was the last time I’d ever lost a fight.”

“Is that why you fight like there are three of you?” she asked me.

I parked the car and glanced at her to see her brows raised as she shook her head.

Fucking beautiful.

“I still don’t know how you were stomping that guy out and punching him at the same time. Isn’t that like trying to pat your head while rubbing your stomach?”

“There’s a lot of things I can do with my hands and other parts at the same time, Dream.” I sank my teeth into my bottom lip as I imagined stroking her deep while using my hands and mouth to drive her crazy.

“Why do you keep calling me that? What does it even mean?”

“It means you smell and taste just like a Dreamsicle, so that’s what I’ll call you.”

Her response was immediate. “No.”

“Yes.” I smirked at the flare of irritation in her gaze.

“It’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, Owen. Besides, you didn’t even know that when you came up with it.”

“You’re right,” I lied, remembering she hadn’t seen me steal a taste of her after fingering her in the storage closet. I sat up and pretended to look around to make sure we were alone. “Let me eat your pussy real quick.”

Her lips parted, but then she quickly looked away to hide her blush. She shifted in her seat a moment later, telling me just how deep my words had reached. “No thanks. I prefer not to make the same mistake twice in one day.” I was leaning against my door now as I watched her look around the lot before focusing on the small white nondescript building a short walk away. “What is this place? What are we doing here?”

Declining to answer her, I ripped the key out of the ignition before climbing out of the car. I felt her heated gaze on me as I rounded the hood to her side and saw the shock on Atlas’s face when I opened her door and held out my hand like the perfect gentleman. “Come on.”

It had to be the earth-shattering orgasm.

That was the only logical explanation for why I placed my hand in his and let him pull me from his car. Just the memory had my legs shaking like jello, and I would have collapsed, furthering my humiliation if it weren’t for Rowdy’s quick reflexes. Once I was standing in front of him, he pulled my coat tighter around me before zipping it up and pressing his soft lips against mine.

I released this sound—part hungry and part scandalized—that later I’d fervently deny when I realized I could still taste myself on his lips. He’d brushed his teeth and changed his shirt before we left, but lingering in small traces with the cool mint was…me.

Smirking, Rowdy kissed me one last time before releasing me and declining to comment on how badly I obviously wanted him to fuck me right now.

My knees felt weak, and it wasn’t just from me wishing I’d taken him up on his offer. I was quiet as he led me by the hand into the building.

There was a wide clearing with tire tracks in the middle of the building, with people standing on either side like they were waiting for something.

Higher up and overlooking the concrete floor was a smaller room that looked like one of those press boxes you’d find at a stadium, complete with a microphone and window spanning the length of the room.

We’d barely made it ten feet inside the building before we were spotted. One after another, some of the people standing around came over to either shoot the shit, ask Rowdy’s advice, or thank him for some past repairs. It took us twenty minutes to make it to the other side of the building, and Rowdy never let go of my hand the entire time. Even when he’d dap up someone he knew from around the way, he never let go.

“Who’s that you got with you?” one of his bolder homies inquired. Teddy, I’d heard Rowdy call him, inched toward me while eyeing me up like I was on the menu and he wanted to sample me. “She’s bad as hell.” Before I could question my instinct to seek out Rowdy for refuge, I was glued to his side, watching Teddy lick his cracked lips while rubbing his ashy palms together. He wore blue jeans and a white tee three sizes too big for him like he was stuck in two thousand and seven and waiting for Crime Mob to make a comeback.

“She’s my business,” Rowdy warned, brows dipped murderously now like it hadn’t been love between them moments ago. “And back your ass up. You standing too close to her.”

“Oh, my fault.” Teddy looked as confused as I felt, but he did what he was told, backing away from me, his eyes bouncing between us as he tried to decipher Rowdy’s territorial pissing. I didn’t have to question if this reaction from Rowdy was unusual. “I ain’t mean no disrespect,” Teddy added before scurrying away with his tail tucked between his legs.

Rowdy watched him go, and I could see the indecision in his eyes whether to follow him and fuck him up.

Curling my free palm around the back of the hand clutching mine, I caught his attention and offered him—for what might have been the first time—a smile that wasn’t laced with barbed wire.

Slowly, I watched the violence fade from his eyes, but he didn’t return my gesture. Instead, his green gaze greedily roved all over my face as if he were committing the sight to memory.

“Come on,” he whispered after the moment had stretched dangerously close to something meaningful.

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