Page 50 of In the Gray

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“Aye. Move your thirsty ass over,” he snapped at the woman he’d been feeling up a moment ago. “You see this man needs a seat.” In typical asshole fashion, Rowdy allowed his voice to carry over the music for others to hear.

The poor girl scooted over on the couch, allowing Britain to take her seat, and then the soft-spoken vamp reached into his backpack and handed over a gallon-sized Ziplock bag full of Indica.

My stomach dipped at the sight.

That much weed casually proffered as a truce could only mean one thing.

Britain wasn’t just a smoker. He was a distributor too.

Rowdy’s smile was small, but his green eyes were practically glowing as he took in Britain’s peace offering. “‘Preciate it,” he said, cool as a cucumber as he accepted Britain’s gift.

The party had been in full swing for a couple of hours now. Ruen had agreed to stay and deejay, but her crew had made it clear she wouldn’t be staying without them, so the Kings invited them to the party. Ruen had been clearly annoyed but didn’t argue. I guess she knew it would be pointless. Ruen might be a gun-toting badass, but she’d surrounded herself with other gun-toting badasses who didn’t care that she could handle herself. Protecting one another came with the territory.

Reassured that the furniture wouldn’t be violently rearranged anytime soon, I worked the room before heading over to Ruen to see if she needed anything.

“I’m good!” she yelled over the music before lifting a drink from the small table next to a plate of food. The only thing the party had been missing was servers, but someone must have brought her the refreshments since she hadn’t once left her booth for a break.

My money was on one of the doting boys in her crew hovering nearby. Britain, Christian, Ky, and Malik never seemed to be far away, their heads on a swivel, constantly clocking who came and went before eventually finding their focus lingering on Ruen once more.

Their dynamic was…interesting.

I left Ruen to do her thing and moved over to the buffet Fred had catered just as she switched the song to “Bounce Back” by Big Sean.

“You know Ruen’s pissed at you, right?” I overheard someone say. Intrigued, I looked up from my perusal of the lobster tails in search of the voice. “Diamond earrings won’t get you out of the dog house this time.”


I found them skulking in the shadows by the windows as Mr. All-American scoffed like buying a girl jewelry was a ridiculous notion when really he sounded…jealous, almost like he resented Ky for being the one to drape Ruen in diamonds.

I guess those earrings were real, after all. A priceless trinket you only wore during special occasions—like tea with the Queen. Meanwhile, Ruen was casually wearing them with an outfit that looked like it came straight out of Forever 21. She hadn’t even bothered to remove them before placing the oversized headphones on her head.

“Let me worry about that,” Ky murmured, head down as he broodily stared out the fogged window with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his suit pants.

“Seriously, what were you thinking? We just got back, and you’re already trying to start a war with the Kings?”

“We needed to know how big of a threat they posed, didn’t we? Now we know.” He looked up, and I could swear his gaze found mine in the window’s reflection. “We know their weaknesses too.”

My gaze darted back down to the lobster tails.

No way he was talking about me. Hecouldn’thave meant me. I was nothing to the Kings. Also, it sounded like Ky had purposely provoked the Kings. If Rowdy, Roc, Golden, and Joren found out, this party would turn into a bloodbath that would probably end with them killing the witnesses, too, so I made the decision right then to keep my mouth shut. I owed the Kings nothing. Sure, they took me in—sort of—and gave me a job, but I was earning my keep, and they made sure I regretted it every day. Not exactly a recipe for inspiring loyalty.

“That’s great, Ky,” Christian said, sounding anything but impressed, “except we need them asallies, not enemies.”

Ky turned and openly watched me now as he sat on the window sill and whispered something in Korean. “????????.”

Whatever it meant, it made Christian abandon his attempts to reason with him and storm away.

“You’re wasting your time,” I told Ky after a long moment of contemplation. It was pointless pretending I hadn’t been listening. “Whatever you want from them, I can’t help you get it. Rowdy doesn’t care about me; he only wants to fuck me. I’m just an employee to the rest of the Kings and not a very good one.”

“Has he?”

I frowned at his question. “Has he what?”

Ky pushed away from the window and came to stand next to me, facing the opposite direction. He was so close I could smell his soap and had to tilt my head back to meet his black gaze hooded by monolids. “Has he fucked you?”

One sweep of his tattooed finger down my arm, and I took a step back. “I don’t think that’s any of your business.”

I tightened my grip on my fork in case I needed to stab him, but after a few seconds of waiting for him to pounce, I realized I was no longer his focus. Instead, he was staring over my head, amusement playing on his small but pouty mouth.

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