Page 46 of In the Gray

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Double shit.


I inhaled a deep breath.

My hand trembled when I reached out and placed it gently on his shoulder. To my utter horror, Rowdy didn’t react. He gave no indication that he even remembered I was standing here—moments away from watching him die.


I felt it then.

The subtle tensing of his shoulder beneath my palm. The recognition of this moment.Ourmoment.

It was my first time uttering his name and his first time hearing me say it. It was an irrevocable turning point in our toxic love affair, and right now, it was unfolding for the world to see.

Tilting his head, he didn’t dare look away from Ky, but with that small gesture, he let me know that he was listening.

“You promised me a party,” I reminded him gently. “I made it a whole week without running away from you. Don’t let me lose you now.”

Everything slowed, even my heartbeat, as we all waited to see which would win Rowdy over—his need for violence or…me.

I could feel the deadly intent thickening the air in the room. Joren, Roc, and Golden were willing to die for their brother just as Ruen and her crew were willing to die for theirs.

And then it happened.

The desperate sound of air being pulled into Ky’s lungs as Rowdy released him and took a reluctant step back.

Me? I did the opposite. I released the breath I’d been holding, only to have it stolen again when Rowdy whirled around, grabbed a fist full of my faux locs in a punishing grip and kissed me.

For the first time.

In front of prying eyes and enemies.

His lips were hungry and demanding as they forced mine open, not waiting for my consent or the implication of what was happening between us to sink in.

The first stroke of his tongue against mine had me fisting his shirt in my hands to keep from melting into a puddle. I didn’t care that we weren’t alone or had been so close to death. He tasted too good. He felt too right. I never wanted our connection to end, and I wasn’t just talking about the kiss. Rowdy already had a hold on me that should have scared me but didn’t. Instead, I finally felt like I was where I was always meant to be.

Hiskissmade me more and more certain with each press of his lips.

Rowdy was never going to let me go.

And I didn’t want him to.

I was ninety-nine percent certain that if I disappeared tomorrow, he’d hunt me down. The question was, could I walk away?

I was too caught up in that world-altering revelation to notice him leading me past reception, the waiting room, and the snack bar. A few more steps, and I was vaguely aware of him fumbling for something behind me.

I heard a knob turn, followed by a door pushing open, and then Rowdy finally broke the kiss by shoving me backward into darkness. I was only allowed a second of clarity before he stepped inside the storage closet with me and slowly closed the door behind him.

I backed away, suddenly realizing I was trapped.

Trapped in a cage with a very hungry lion.

“Rowdy, wait,” she whispered, but my hand around her delicate throat cut her off.

“No.” I found her mouth in the dark again and slipped my tongue inside. One hit of her, and I was already addicted. Atlas must have felt the same because it wasn’t long before she kissed me back. “Say my name,” I demanded against her lips. “I want to fucking hear it.”

She didn’t even hesitate. “Owen.”

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