Page 43 of In the Gray

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It wasn’t just her looks, though. Ruen oozed sex and confidence and had “bad bitch” written all over her—something that probably appealed to a savage like Rowdy. He was too used to walking all over women, though. He probably couldn’t even handle someone like Ruen. There was no question whethershecould handlehim.

I could almost picture them together, running the streets, taking what they wanted, and not caring about the destruction they left in their wake.

Ruen even had a few years on me, which meant Rowdy wouldn’t have to feel like a dirty pervert if he chose to pursue her instead.

It didn’t help that she looked amazing in her skintight dress while I looked frumpy in my work uniform. I hadn’t bothered to bring a change of clothes with me for the party since I’d had no intentions of going.

It had been four days since Rowdy declared war on my vagina, and so far, his idea of romance had been to watch me like a hawk, nitpick over everything I did, and torture me with increasingly menial tasks.

Yesterday, he had me organize his files.

When I pointed out thathe had no filessince Hudson handled all the paperwork, he told me to find some and shut the fuck up.

Rowdy reached us first since he was leading the pack, and I braced myself for what he would do or say. I already knew he wouldn’t care if he hurt my feelings. To be honest, I was more worried about whatIwould do if he hit on another girl in front of me.

I eyed the box cutter sitting on the counter a few feet away. I’d used it earlier to open up the new shipment of business cards that had been delivered today.

I watched Rowdy’s focus move from her face, and my heart dropped at the same time his gaze did. I felt the back of my eyes burn and inhaled to keep the hurt from spilling, but then my breath caught in my throat when his gaze completely skipped her body, torpedoing in on where our hands were still linked.

Before I could think to drop Ruen’s hand, Rowdy—in full view of the other Kings—curved his finger around one of my belt loops and dragged me away from her.

Alarmed, I instinctively braced my hands against his chest to push him away, but the warning in his eyes had me dropping them just as quickly.

As if the space he’d forced between us wasn’t enough, Rowdy tucked me behind him, inserting himself fully between Ruen and me and hiding my new friend from sight.

“Who is you?” his ignorant ass rudely demanded.

I couldn’t see Ruen’s face to gauge her reaction, but knowing Rowdy all too well, I jumped to rescue her anyway. “Can you chill? She’s the deejay I told you about, crazy. She’s here to do the party.”

There was an uncomfortably long pause, and then, “How do you know her?” he asked too calmly. His attention was still firmly fixed on Ruen but I knew the question was meant for me.

I blew out a frustrated breath. “I met her at a party, Rowdy.” And then I hesitated the span of a single nervous breath. “She’s my friend.”


It dawned on me then that Rowdy was…jealous. It sounded awfully like he was staking his claim.

And I’d foolishly thrown two apex predators in the same cage.

Fearing a blow out, I pushed between them. “Okay, enough,” I snapped at Rowdy before turning to Ruen. “Ignore him. Are you okay?”

I don’t know why I felt the need to ask.

Ruen didn’t look scared. Instead, she looked amused, her usual smirk plastered on her face. “Oh, I’m just great.”

The other Kings, sensing the tension, walked over. I quickly gave the introductions and was glad they at least had better manners than Rowdy and actually thanked Ruen for coming.

Well, Joren and Roc did. Golden just politely dipped his head.

“Oh, Atlas,” Ruen said at the first lull in the conversation. “Almost forgot. I have something for you.” Ruen’s expression gave nothing away as she dug into her jacket pocket and pulled something free.

I frowned when she held out her hand and slowly uncurled her fingers, revealing a balled-up scrap of royal blue material with tiny red hearts.

My heart skipped a beat when I immediately recognized the item.

Mistaking my shock for confusion, Ruen let my panties from last Friday hang from her finger while the Kings looked on. “You left these in my bed. I thought you might want them back.”

I still didn’t move or speak. Neither did the Kings. I just let the agony of humiliation swallow me whole.

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