Page 39 of In the Gray

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“Shit,” Joren cursed as his nosy ass peered around Rowdy. “She should probably go to the hospital. That looks deep.”

“No.” I snatched my hand from Rowdy and backed away a step while they all looked at me like I was crazy.

If I went to the hospital, they’d send the bill to my mom since I couldn’t very well have them send it to the motel or…here. My mom, if she was even lucid, would find out I wasn’t at school.

Then again, maybe she’d finally be my mom again when she inevitably tried to force me to come home. But I couldn’t go home—not yet.

“I’ll be fine.” I was sure it looked worse than it actually was because of all the blood.

“That must be common sense you’re dripping all over my floor instead of blood,” Rowdy snapped. “You’re not fine.”

“Give me a first aid kit, and I will be. Do you have one?”

Rowdy just stared at me for a long moment before nodding. “Yeah, come on.”

“Just tell me where it is. I don’t need your help. I can take care of it my—” My rant was cut off when Rowdy grabbed my nape in a punishing grip and forced me forward. I fought him all the way up the stairs, but I was no match for him withtwohands. It was useless with only one. All I managed to do was irritate him more, so much so that his control eventually slipped, and he spanked my ass hard enough to make me gasp.

“Now, are you going to behave?” he questioned menacingly. “Or do I have to light your ass on fire to make you hear me?” When I wisely kept my mouth shut, he steered me to his office and into his private bathroom, which was minimally decorated and clean to the point of OCD.

“Sit down.” He punctuated his command by shoving me down onto the closed toilet lid.


“Shut your fucking mouth, Atlas. You’ve said enough.” I watched him yank open the medicine cabinet and pull out a first aid kit. “Give me your hand.” This time, I didn’t bother to argue and just held out my arm. He moved to stand over me, his legs straddling mine, and pressed a wadded strip of gauze to my wound. “Tell me what happened,” he demanded while we waited for the bleeding to stop. He didn’t sound angry, though. He sounded concerned. It was hard to reconcile the Rowdy I’d met only a week ago with the one before me now.

“What do you mean?”

“Why did you cut yourself?”

I frowned even as I kept my gaze on our hands. “It was an accident.” When he didn’t respond, I chanced looking up. I didn’t like that he was staring at me like he didn’t believe me. Did he think I’d hurt myself on purpose?

Once the bleeding stopped, Rowdy started to clean my wound. And unlike moments ago when he dragged me up here, he was gentle. “It’s not deep,” he announced after a long and rather stilted silence.

“I told you that,”I said with a hiss. When he gave me a warning look, I shrank and adjusted my tone. “It looks worse than it is.”

“Mmmh.” Rowdy was silent, too focused on his task as he used some type of glue to seal my wound.

Once it was dry, he tightly secured my cut with more gauze. I winced from the pressure on my wound and then could have sworn I felt the soothing brush of his finger. It happened so quickly that I wondered if I’d imagined it.

“It won’t scar,” he told me once he was done.

I didn’t respond since I kind of hoped it did. It would serve as a reminder of what kind of man he was. I didn’t believe for a second that Tuesday’s ex had simply cut his losses after hunting her down.

It was more likely that Rowdy had scared him away, but why? He didn’t strike me as the type that strapped on a cape and flew around saving women for the hell of it.

“Thanks.” I stood from the toilet as he cleaned up the mess and repacked the first aid kit. “I think I’ll go home now.”


I blinked while wondering if I’d misheard him. “We’re pretty much done setting up, and I won’t be much help to Tuesday with one hand anyway. She can handle the rest.”And if not, I’m sure you can give her a hand since you’re soooo helpful.I rolled my eyes while his back was turned.

“You’re Pride of King’s newest employee,” he told me as he placed the kit back in the cabinet. “This party is foryou, so no, Atlas. You can’t go home.”

I thought it was an uncharacteristically sweet gesture until another thought occurred to me. “Wait…you made me decorate my own welcome party?”

“Somebody had to do it.” Rowdy shrugged before leaning against the sink and placing his hand on my hip to pull me into him. I was wearing jeans today, thankfully, but that didn’t stop him from roughly groping my ass in his large hands. “I can’t wait to see you throwing all this ass on my dick,” he told me as he nestled his face in my neck and inhaled. “The way it’s sitting in these jeans, I’ll be giving you back shots all night.”

Oh, God.I didn’t have to question if it was true. Somehow, I knew sex with Rowdy would be rough, dirty, and a little disrespectful.“You’re talking like it’s a done deal,” I said a little breathlessly.

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