Page 29 of In the Gray

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“You’re welcome,” he said before promising to email me ASAP, listing the work he wanted to be done. And then he fled the shop like his ass was on fire.

I started to head outside to get some fresh air when I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I turned to see none other than Atlas’s pretty ass standing there with a vulnerable look in her eyes.

I ignored her silent plea not to upset or hurt her and let my gaze peruse her face and body. I’d been too angry earlier to notice her appearance, but I found myself obsessively tracking the star-shaped vitiligo on her face like some kind of coping mechanism. I wanted nothing more than to trace the pattern with my finger, so I slipped my hands into my pockets to quell the urge.

Today, she’d chosen to wear the black collared uniform shirt with our logo on the breast pocket and had paired it with a black pleated skirt and knee-high black socks that made her look like some kind of school girl instead of a receptionist.

Just like that, my dick was hard again, and I tried and failed not to be aggravated by itandher, so it was no surprise when I barked, “Fuck you want?”

If Atlas was bothered or shocked by my cruelty, she didn’t let it show. “Sorry to bother you, but Tommy wants to know where they should take the cars to be washed before pickup?”

“What do you mean where? They take them next door as per fucking usual.”

Atlas’s expression was gratingly blank, her tone equally flat when she responded, “They’re closed.”

I was frowning even harder when I left her standing there without an answer and started for the double doors.

Every cell in my body screamed to go back, pull her close, and promise to take care of everything. The car wash situation, the grief I knew she was hiding, and whatever else she needed. I wanted to be at her complete disposal.

But I didn’t go back.

I kept walking even though my feet felt heavy, as if the J’s she’d ruined were filled with lead. I kept walking for her own good—one last desperate attempt to save this innocent little girl from me.

Master Bubbles Car Wash was a short walk away at the west end of Temperance Street, so I reached it in time to see Harry’s ancient ass wrapping a thick chain around the door handles and securing it with a padlock.

For some reason, my heart dropped, and I quickened my steps. “Aye! Harry! Aye, Harry!”

The man in question turned to face me with a somber look in his eyes. “Hey, Rowdy. How ya doing, son? I was just getting ready to come see you.”

“What’s up, old timer?” I quickly closed the distance with my arms thrown open in disbelief. “Why did you close early? Bingo ain’t for a few more hours. Them geriatric thotties can wait.”

I chuckled to lighten the mood, but I could tell my joke didn’t land when Harry simply shook his head instead of flaying my ass open with one of his infamous insults.

I’d learned all my shit-talking from Harry. He was one of the few people besides my boys, my parents, Hudson—and now Atlas, I guess—who wasn’t afraid to give me a taste of my own medicine. They usually got away with it too.

Right now, Harry’s sad gaze was on the ground, his shoulders bowed in defeat, and I fucking hated the sight of it.

“What’s up, Harry? Talk to me.”

He sighed. “This is for real, son. I’m closing the wash. I appreciate all the business you boys sent this old man over the years, but it’s not enough anymore. The well’s dried up. I can’t afford to keep this place open a day longer.”

“If money’s the issue, I can talk to the others, and maybe we can front you the cash. How much do you need—” Harry’s proud ass waved me off before I could even finish.

“It’s more than that, son. I’m tired. I don’t have it in me to fight anymore. This corona-whatever was the last straw.” Sighing, Harry bent and lifted a manila folder from his briefcase on the ground and handed it to me. Before I could ask what it was, he said, “I watched as you knuckleheads terrorized these streets for years and dared to call yourselves kings while destroying your own community. But I never lost faith in you, Rowdy Wray. I never stopped waiting for the day the four of you stopped being boys and became men. I’m happy to say you didn’t disappoint.” A wistful smile briefly broke his somber expression. “I guess the rumors are true.” Harry reached out a gnarled finger and poked my chest. “A lion’s heart indeed.” He nodded. “I know you’ll make me proud.”

Harry patted my arm and ambled off before I could find a fucking vowel.

I stood in front of the car wash, watching him go, the silence on the other side haunting me like a weary ghost.

I didn’t feel the winter breeze chilling my blood as I flipped open the folder to find the deed to Harry’s car wash along with the title to his business signed over to me and a contract already bearing his signature and a note.

Don’t make the same mistakes I did.

Something was wrong.

I could feel it as indubitably as the winter air that breezed in through the shop’s door when Rowdy returned from next door. I had this vision of him terrorizing innocent bystanders in his wake like a radioactive monster with an aversion to people.

Rowdy was silent and holding a folder as he prowled through the lobby, oblivious to all the lustful stares from the horny housewives and desperate singles who insistedon waiting hours for their vehicle repairs to be completed.

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