Page 180 of In the Gray

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“Yeah. Talk to you later, baby.” He paused and then added, “Love you.”

My heart twisted in my chest for that moment of uncertainty—not whether he loved me, but if it was right to express it.

“I love you too.”

The doorbell rang as soon as we hung up, and I sighed as I walked over to it. All day, I’d been subjected to well-wishing neighbors offering their prayers for my mom and me. I opened the door without checking the peephole, and pure shock at discovering my ex standing there was all that kept me from slamming it back in his stupid face.

Handsome but stupid and conniving nonetheless. I used to think I was lucky to be Sutton Hayes’s girlfriend. He was Chris Brown’s doppelgänger without the talent and all of the toxicity. He’d even dyed his hair blond and wore a goatee like the singer.

“What are you doing here, Sutton?”

“Well, damn. Hello to you too,” he shot back.

“You have three seconds to tell me what you want before I make you tell it to the door.”

Sutton sighed. “Look, girl. I didn’t come here for all that. I heard about your mom, so I came to check on you.”

“Now you care?”

“I always cared, Atlas. I just…” Sutton stopped himself from saying whatever was on his mind as he thought he could dig deeper inside a hole that had been refilled and cemented over months ago.

“You just what, Sutton? Not that I care, but speak your mind so you can go. That’s obviously what you really came to do since I blocked you.”

And not just his number but on social media too.

I’d been content with simply ignoring him, but Rowdy wasn’t having it once I moved in, and he saw just how much Sutton had been blowing me up while pretending to be couple goals with my ex-best friend around campus and on social media.

“I loved you, Atlas. I still do. I just got tired of it being all about you, all right? I had problems too, but you never seemed to notice.”

“And so you buried them in Sienna’s corroded pussy? What a problem solver you are.”

“Sienna was a mistake.”

“No,youwere the mistake.”

Sutton slammed his hand on the door jamb, but I didn’t so much as flinch. “This is your problem, Atlas! You run your fucking mouth too much instead of listening! I’m trying to apologize!”

I narrowed my gaze, wondering if I needed to have my eyes checked. I didn’t know what I ever saw in him. “I didn’t ask you to come over here. I didn’t ask for your condolences, your regrets, your so-called love, your weak stroke, or your backward-fucking apology. I’ve moved on, and I suggest you run back to Sienna’s loose pussy because I’ve already forgotten that God ever made you.”

I stepped back to close the door, but Sutton simply followed me, attempting to muscle his way in.

“I’m not done with you,” he told me.

“No, little boy, I’m not done withyou,” a menacing voice barked from behind him. My eyes widened, seeing Rowdy appear out of nowhere. Before Sutton could react, Rowdy had him in a headlock. The veins and muscles in his strong arms bulged as he lifted my ex off his feet. “I’m just getting started.”

“Get off me!” Sutton strained to say as he flailed around before turning blue.

I was torn between giddiness at seeing my ex knocked down a peg or two and saving Rowdy from going to jail. This wasn’t Idlewild, so while his infamous reputation had reached all four corners of Mississippi, his sway over the police didn’t.

Rowdy looked at me while I was contemplating what to do. “Why is he here, Atlas?”

With a smirk, I crossed my arms and rested my weight on one hip. “It sounds like he wants me back, but I told him to give me a day or two to think about it.”

“Don’t play with me,” Rowdy warned. It didn’t escape my notice that he’d tightened his arm around Sutton’s neck. “I’ll dead his ass right here.”

I cocked a brow. “And go to prison?”

“As long as you bring me that pussy every weekend, fo’ shit sho’. Tell his ass bye, baby.”

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