Page 110 of In the Gray

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I knew Remedy meant well, but Ruen was my friend and had helped me out of a bind. The least I could do was trust her when she said I was safe with her, right?

It was probably fine.

Said no smart hero or heroine ever.And wasn’t that what we all were? The main characters of our own story?

I smiled at Remedy placatingly before following after her sister.

I’d no sooner stepped over the threshold of Ruen’s room when my phone rang, and Rowdy’s name and frowning mug appeared.

The photo was a candid close-up from this morning after our shower—before things had gone horribly wrong. I had just told Rowdy that I lied about my age and had been telling the truth when I said I was fourteen the day we met. I even told him the driver’s license I’d shown him was a fake that had cost me a lot of cash to look real.

I had only just managed to capture his reaction before he slapped my phone out of my hand and threatened to dunk my head in the toilet bowl if I wasn’t bullshitting.

I had never laughed so hard in my life.

There had been tears in my eyes by the time I managed to convince Rowdy that I was joking. And tonotgive me a swirly like we were in freaking middle school.

After I had retrieved my phone from the floor where it had fallen, I’d taken one look at the adorable glower I’d managed to capture and made it his contact photo.

I stared at it now for a moment before hittingignoreand pocketing my phone where it rang five or six more times—I’d honestly lost count—before blessedly falling silent.

When I gave Ruen my full attention, she was holding up a silver sequined top cut like a bandana with strings to tie around the neck.

“What was that about?” I asked her, referring to Remedy’s mini-freak-out downstairs. “Does your sister not trust me with you?”

“More like she doesn’t trustmewithyou.” She finished examining the top before throwing it on the bed next to me and disappearing through one of the open doors. “I can be pretty persuasive,” she called out from what I assumed was her closet.

“I actually thought your tattoo was more accurate,” I teased her. Ruen was indeedbad news.

And her room was still a fucking mess.

The clothes, records, expensive-looking equipment, and even pricier bottles of alcohol lying around were now a permanent part of her floor. I thought I even spotted a purple dildo with a wicked curve peeking out from underneath a pair of discarded boxers. Lying next to it was an empty condom wrapper.

My brows shot toward my hairline as I gawked at the unmistakable evidence of a male lover. It was weird to see, considering Ruen was unapologetically a pussy hound.

Or perhaps it was just mine that she couldn’t stop sniffing around.

I knew part of her interest was just to piss off Rowdy, but I think she genuinely liked me too. As a friend? As a potential lover? I didn’t know. Ruen didn’t strike me as the type to take in strays for the kindness of it. Her sister, maybe, but Ruen? She had a cruel side to her.

I debated whether it was rude or even my business to ask for all of two seconds before blurting, “You’re not a lesbian, are you?”

I heard a snort just before she said, “I never said I was, Twinks.”

“Bisexual?” I threw out, ignoring the nickname she’d given me—Twinkle, inspired by the star-shaped vitiligo on my face.

Ruen sighed as if the topic of her sexual preference was too tedious to bear. And then I remembered her calling me a boring heterosexual when we first met. “I like sex, and I like having it with people,” she said matter-of-factly. “Their gender is irrelevant.”

“Sure.” I nodded as if she could see me while wondering what label I could use to explain my confusing attraction to Ruen. I definitely had a preference, and it wasn’t for my own team. I’d never been attracted to another girl before, and it wasn’t as if my heart was torn between Ruen and Rowdy.


My pussy might be a free-for-all buffet, but my heart only had room for one forbidden relationship at a time. My much older boss had already commandeered my every waking thought. Fuck, he followed me into my dreams too.

Still…I was curious about Ruen too. Usually, it ebbed and flowed based on my proximity to her. I didn’t want to admit that Rowdy had every reason to want to keep us apart. I was flirting with fire being here.

“So, where is this party?” I called out. I desperately needed a change of subject.

Ruen walked from the closet with a red faux leather mini skirt and matching choker. “After Dark. It’s only been open for a few weeks and has been generating a lot of buzz. They have an in-house deejay, but he caught that virus going around, so he put in a good word for me with the owner. It means I’ll have a steady gig for the next few weeks while he’s home recovering.”

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