Page 105 of In the Gray

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Rowdy was standing by the door, guzzling down a bottle of water when I hauled all of my stuff downstairs. I felt him eyeing me out of the corner of his eye as I approached, and when his gaze dropped and he noticed me holding my bags, he pulled the bottle away from his lips with a frown. “Fuck you doing?”

I blinked at him. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Why do you have your stuff, Atlas?” His tone was impatient and pissed off, but since he hadn’t given a damn about my feelings, I decided to match his energy.

“Because it’s easier than driving all the way back here after work to get it.”

Rowdy lived clear on the other side of town. In other words, he had me fucked up.

“Take your stuff back upstairs, Atlas.”

It was my turn to frown. “Why?”

“Because I said so.”

“I suggest you think of a different reason.”

Rowdy closed the gap between us until I was forced to lean my head all the back just to hold his gaze. “You really want to put yourself in danger just to prove a point?”

“I highly doubt last night was personal since I don’t know anyone in the city,” I half lied. Did Unrequited live in Idlewild? Why hadn’t I considered that before? They had to have been watching me at least if they’d known I’d gotten a job at the shop. “I think I’ll be fine at a new motel. Excuse me.”

“You’re not leaving until you do what the fuck I said, and if you think I won’t write you up for being late, think again.”

My lips parted. “That’s not fair.”

He took another menacing step closer. “Does it look like I give a fuck?”

“You can’t just bully me into doing what you want! You can’t even call me your girlfriend without stuttering and making excuses, but you want me to move in? What sense does that make, Owen?”

“I don’t give a fuck about any of that,” he said with a curl of his lips as he pressed his forehead against mine. Rowdy was standing so close now that all I could see was the white of his eyes. “Take your motherfucking ass upstairs before I lose my motherfucking composure.”

I inhaled, and right before I let the air go, I knew what my answer would be. “No.”

Iwas running hella late when I finally pulled into work almost an hour later.

Atlas thought I was crazy before, but she hadn’t really seen anything—not until she tried me this morning.

We ended up tussling over her stuff from one room to the next until it ended with me throwing her shit all over the backyard and in my pool while she screamed at me to stop and called me every name but a child of God.

I’m sure the neighbors had gotten more than an earful.

For the first time since I left home, I glanced to my right and saw Atlas still pouting and fuming silently in the passenger seat.

Fuck, she was pretty.

I had no idea what the fuck she was so upset about, though. I was the one with a black eye and busted lip. She didn’t even have a fucking scratch on her.

Secretly, I wore that shit like a badge of honor. I didn’t want my girl to be afraid of me, and it made my dick and heart proud that she wasn’t. There were grown men twice her size who couldn’t say the same.

I touched my lip and winced as much from the memory of the mean slug she’d hit me with as from the pain of the wound itself.

“I’ll be back before lunch,” I announced as I watched her. “Maybe we can grab some food on your break.”

Atlas resembled a damn psychopath when her head slowly turned my way like she was Annabelle or some shit. She was looking at me like she wanted to disembowel me. “Aww, that’s sweet. Eat a dick. I’d rather chew my arm off than talk to you.”

“That’s okay, Dream. I’ll still fuck with you with one arm.”

My baby spat a string of curses and insults that would make the devil blush before shoving her door open and leaving my car. I thought about running her ass over when she slammed my damn door closed, but I refrained since I knew she’d probably never fuck me again if I did.

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