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“I am sorry,” I repeat his words in English. His eyes raise to mine in question.

“I’ve been studying.”

“You knew I would come for you.”

A deep part of me might have played with the fantasy. “Nope. Just wanted to be able to sayfuck youin Russian when the time came.”

“I don’t think that is in the dictionary,malyshka.” His smirk is equally irritating as it is humorous when he signals me to follow.

I walk behind him as he leads me up a winding dirt path. Foliage hangs over to play in my hair and brush against my shoulders. To the left the trail forks off in another direction.

I could run. Find the hidden cover he’s talking about and head northeast. At least that is the direction I think the mainland is in. Either way, I would be out of this man’s clutches. I could call the coast guard in and they would save me. I could go back to my dad’s house with the broken AC unit, pack my bags and just leave.

I’d be free and damn it that has to be worth something, right?

I slow and tuck under a low-hanging mango branch when steel arms clamp around my waist.

“Maybe I should have left you tied up.”

“Just considering my options. You have to respect that, right?”

He grunts. Whether in agreement or frustration is anyone’s guess.

I am unceremoniously plucked up and find myself slung over his shoulder for the rest of the hike up the side of a slumbering hillside.

Sunrise washes across the sky and frankly, it is fucking beautiful and I hate how much I love the view. Birds sing and the air smells like a divine combination of fruits and flowers.

Several feet later the slap of leaves opens up to reveal a jewel hidden amongst the dense foliage.

“Wow.” What stands in front of me is not just elegant. It’s freaking heaven worthy. Glass covers the expanse of the front and the infinity pool that spreads out at the base of the residence is nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Cool marble meets the bare pads of my feet.

Maxim leans in close and I swear my pulse burns hot just by the sheer power of his presence. “Are you going to run anymore?”

An eyebrow shoots up. “Probably.” I like to pride myself on not being a quitter. I also don’t like to settle for what others think is best for me. “Unless you convince me you’re worth staying with.” Issue the challenge and his answer is a kiss rivaling the heat of the rising sun.

When he breaks away, I’m left breathless.

“Good to know,” he rumbles in that panty-melting accent I can’t quite get enough of. “I’ll make sure to have more rope on hand.”



Ihit a button on a wall panel and a hidden door slides open revealing an island mansion.

Beside me, Vannah gasps.

Vannah. Such a beautiful name. This woman has taken over my thoughts, my sleep, and my business hours. Being away from her for the last week fucking ruined me. Thinking about her consumed every last cell in my body and brain making it hard to focus on my daily tasks.

The second Vannah stepped off my boat after our one-night stand I moved men in from all over my territory. We tracked the East syndicate and waited. Up until last night, our common enemy seemed to have moved on but that outfit is notorious for its long memories and short tempers.

Gray calls me paranoid, but I still don’t think we are out of danger. Only time will tell.

I consider my little captive as she walks around the home I labored over for two years for the family I would fill it with one day. I could only hope the woman I found to share this paradise with loved the ocean as much as I do.

From the awe in Vannah’s eyes, I’m going to say that’s a strong yes.
