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Tortuous to us both. Again, hell yes. But a must. She doesn’t think I am real. For what we have planned next, we must know she understands nothing about us being here is fake.

Reluctantly, I retreat, but her heels dig into my ass and drag me back.

“Don’t go. Please don’t go. Please don’t fade away. Not again.”

Her eyes are closed. Her face pinched.

A slight shuffle of feet comes from my left. “Did you think we were dead, princess? Nothing more than in your dreams? Wake up, beautiful. Show us those pretty eyes.”

Pretty black lashes flutter, and Justice’s eyes focus on a spot over my left shoulder. Lucian and Seth walk in at that moment and find me standing between her legs, one hand buried in her hair and the other between her legs. I can see the smug bastards fighting off grins. We made a bet who would cave first and they know the man who lost.

Or, did I? I smirk back. Perspective counts.

She blushes furiously and tries to wrap her arms around herself, I guess just now realizing she’s naked. “You might as well have been to me. I tried to pretend that’s for sure.” She goes quiet for a moment. “Easier that way.”

She morphs from warm and pliable to stone cold. From night to day and I haven’t yet cleaned my fingers of other juices.

I rub my hands up her bare, damp arms. “Do you make it a habit to carry around a sledgehammer, waiting to smash people, sweetness? Careful, you can dent a man’s heart like that.”

I’m not a soft man in any sense of the word. But she makes me vulnerable. Hearing how broken inside she is sends raw fury pumping through my veins. I take a couple of deep breaths and work through it, reminding myself she walked to protect us all.

Up until that second, I thought maybe we were wrong about the cold wall of ice around her. Guess not. Luckily, we’re stubborn bastards who like a good challenge.

She brushes me off with a shrug of her delicate shoulders. “It’s the truth.” She bites her lip and pushes at me to move back. I do, but I stay close enough to catch our stubborn siren in case she slips.

My lips quirk into a partial smile, though I feel no humor in what I am about to say. “I think you forget. You walked away from us.”

Vibrant jade and yellow catch my eye and I reach out to stroke my thumb over three dragonflies fluttering up her inner thigh. My gaze catches hers and for a moment I see past the wall she’s trying to erect.

“What’s this?”

“None of your business.” Her bottom lip falls open, and she glares at me. “I...I don’t know what the hell is going on here, but you need to leave.”

Uncertainty colors her tone. Someone must have flipped a switch somewhere, because Justice from a minute ago didn’t mind being in my arms and the woman shooting fiery eyes at us looks like she’s ready to square up.

She grabs for a robe, but Lucian plucks it out of her hands.

“Not happening. You can glare at me all you want, but this weekend isn’t going to be how you had hoped or planned.” I don’t take full pleasure in the shocked look on her face, but I do like the way her nipples bead when the air unit kicks on. She dragged us through hell, and I agree with Seth’s assessment when we hatched our Seek Justice plan a couple weeks back—she won’t come easy after so long under her mother’s controlling, blackmailing, black as the fucking Devil’s asshole thumb. We’ll have a fight of the wills on our hands.

“What are you even talking about? What are you doing here? Did you follow me? You need to leave. If you’re here when they get here in their home…”

I step forward and cup the back of her head. True fear has her eyes wide. Not from me, but of just how royally screwed she is because right this second her emotions might as well flash above her head in little neon words.

Her throat works as she swallows.

When we don’t say anything and level our stares on her, realization hits and it comes in a beautiful array of emotions across her heart-shaped face. Confusion first. Anger replaces that pretty quickly and then I almost see hope. But it’s short-lived. She backtracks and settles on anger once again.

“We’re not going anywhere,” I whisper in a raspy voice. She inhales a couple of times. Sharp breaths that make her breasts sway.

My gaze drops. How can I not look? She’s beyond beautiful all pissed off or when taken with wild abandon. It didn’t matter. My dick fills with blood, and I can feel the tendon flickering in my jaw matching the throb in my cock.

Disbelief and hunger glitter in her eyes when she lifts those pretty lashes of hers. “Arrogant,” she says. “Fine. Whatever you say. I’m leaving.”

Fuck. I’d hoped it wouldn’t come down to playing hardball, but our little CEO doesn’t want to make this easy. She’s still spooked by her mother’s threats. That much is evident.

Seth speaks up. “You can’t, remember? You signed a contract. An ironclad one at that. Don’t tell me you didn’t read it.”

“Oh, I read it all right.” Her voice shakes even as she attempts to infuse bravado into her words.
