Page 131 of Falling For The Boss

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Chapter Three

With a fortifying gulp of wine, I stood slowly. Why was I so nervous? What could it hurt to say hello? Not like I don’t know the man.

“Hi, Jonathan.”

He studied my face. “Um, hello?”


I’m even more invisible than I thought I was at work. He passes my desk several times every day. Sometimes he even gives me a half-smile or a tight nod. Occasionally I think I catch him watching me, although it’s probably my imagination. And now he doesn’t recognize me? I should have listened to my inner voice and left the bar with Mia.

I placed my hand on my chest. “Sorry. I’m Kara Watson. I work for you. In marketing.”

He grinned. “Of course, I know who you are. How could I not? I’m sorry. I was surprised to see you here. And—”

“Yeah.” I waved my hand in the air in a circular motion. “I saw everything if that was what you were about to say.”

He closed his eyes. “Outstanding.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “It wasn’t so bad.”

He rolled his eyes. “Join me,” he said rather than asking and gestured at the empty stool next to him.

“Sure.” I nibbled my lower lip, contemplating what to say next. Since updating my resume was on my to-do list, I decided I had nothing to lose by speaking my mind. “Her little show was pretty entertaining.”

“You were watching.”

“I couldn’t take my eyes off…you.” I felt my face heat at the honesty of my comment. “However, in my defense, I was having a drink with my sister, and she was droning on about some drama with two PTA mothers at her kids’ school. While I love my niece and nephew, petty parental politics isn’t exactly stimulating conversation, if you know what I mean.”

“Not really. Fortunately, I’ve never had to endure that torture, but I’ll take your word for it. Since you found it impossible for you to focus, I’m glad I could offer some entertainment value. That’s one good thing about Samantha. She always manages to keep things lively.”

Samantha? “How long have you two been together?”

“Aren’t you the inquisitive one?”

Indeed, here I come.

I shrugged and pushed my long blonde hair away from my face. “I’m simply making conversation.”

“If you say so.”

I placed my hand over my chest. “Why would I lie?”

“No reason. Samantha and I were together for about ten months two years ago.”

“Oh.” Two years ago was right around the time I started working for him. I never heard anyone mention a word about his personal life—or relationships. Why should I be surprised? I knew nothing about him other than curated, published information. “You guys remained friends?”

“No. After we broke up, Samantha moved to California. She recently returned to the city and reached out to me. Since we were both single, we figured we’d try to give it another shot. It’s only been a few weeks, but it’s crystal clear neither one of us has changed.”

“So, I guess you aren’t going to chase after her?”

“Um. No. The thought never crossed my mind. Unless you think I should.” His navy eyes pierced mine.

“No. Yes. Oh, jeez.” I put my hand over my face, trying to hide my blush.

Is he flirting with me?

“It’s okay, Kara. I’m teasing you. To answer your question, no. I have no intentions of pursuing Samantha again.”

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