Page 126 of Falling For The Boss

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“I’d like you to sit in, so grab a notebook and pen as well.

“No worries. Conference room, yes?”


“I’ll be right in with them.”

“Thank you, love.”

Ever since our dinner and night stroll in the park, things with Malcolm had been…more. He’s such a gentleman at work. He’s kind yet demanding. We both managed to keep our budding relationship to an appropriate working one while on work time. After that though, I let my hair down, his tie came off, and then I got to see the real Malcolm come out of his shell.

I’m not really used to a man who is kind in public and in private.

It’s nice—refreshing. He’s slowly maneuvered himself into a place in my heart. I want him to kiss me, hold me—show me off. As long as I am with him, nothing else really matters.

Grabbing the files, I hurried down the hall to the conference room. I had my mind racing in a hundred directions, so I wasn’t paying attention to the others in the room. I handed the files over to Malcolm and moved to sit on the side.

It wasn’t until I heard his voice that my insides froze up. Byron Edwards, the worst human on the planet, was in the same room as me. I swore the day the judge declared us ‘divorced’ that I would never share space or air with him again. I’d never have to be looked at like I was dog crap on the bottom of his shoe. I wouldn’t allow myself to be belittled, talked down to, or beat on. And yet, here I was.

Thanks, Karma, appreciate it, you sneaky stank turd! I could only be thankful that he didn’t seem to notice me. I looked a lot different than the last time he’d seen me.

I was a little heavier, my hair was a lot longer, and I was dressed up.

Praying—I was trying really hard to not panic right now. If I keep my head down, and stayed quiet, maybe, just maybe I could get out of here without having a breakdown. Byron was the last person I ever thought I’d see here.

“Are you all right, sweetheart?” May’s soft voice had me turning.

I nodded, trying to get my head back in the game. I was okay—safe here. Malcolm, May—I wasn’t alone in this room with a psychotic narcissist.

Taking in a deep breath, I let it out slowly. This would be okay. It had to be.

Chapter Three


Present Day

“We have a meeting in the boardroom in twenty.”

I made a face at my phone. “Thanks.”

I knew there was a meeting. I’d been lucky the first few times these jokers had come in. Having to avoid the last two meetings had been hard. I may be Malcolm’s girlfriend, but I still had a job to do. I was his assistant, after all.

If I could only be woman enough to tell him Byron was my ex-husband…

“Jesus, give me strength.”

I grabbed the folders and made my way down the hall to the conference room. No one was inside, so I took a moment to grab a tray and pull water bottles from the mini fridge behind the desk where I sat. I was pushing it onto the table when I heard voices coming into the room. I hurried to stand and move back toward the desk.

It took all I had in me to ignore their not so quiet, inappropriate conversation.

Byron and his friends were dense on a good day, but this… They were here to convince Malcolm their newest business venture was a good idea. I wondered what today would be. The last two had been dropped like hot potatoes; I was sure this one would be too.

“Ella,” Malcolm’s voice calmed my racing heart. “Could you check with May and see if she is on her way down?”

“Yes, sir, no problem.”

I lifted the desk phone and pressed her extension. “Hey, May, it’s Ella. Are you and Mr. Ferguson on the way down?”
