Page 97 of Saving Daddy

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Hack was also carrying a few shopping bags with new jeans, two warm sweaters, and that cute daisy T-shirt.

She’d barely even put up an argument when he’d bought it all.

He was turning her mind to mush.

But still . . . wearing these boots and the new jacket, she felt like a million bucks. They passed a toy store on their way out of the mall. She could feel her feet slowing as she took in all the bright toys.

They’d never had much growing up. But they’d always made do. However, there had always been something she’d wanted . . . more than anything else.

A Care Bear.

She’d thought Santa might bring her one. But after their dad died, Aidan had explained to her that Santa Claus wasn’t real. Her heart had been broken, but she understood why he’d told her.

So she wouldn’t wonder why they never got gifts when other kids did. So she wouldn’t think she’d been too naughty for Santa to visit.

No, it was better that she’d known.

But she still wanted that darn Care Bear. She could probably buy one for herself. However, she could never justify it.

Reaching into her handbag, she grabbed hold of Wally, rubbing her hand over him.

She didn’t need anything but him.

“Ladybug? Is there something in there you like the look of? Do you want to go in?” Hack asked.


Shoot. She hadn’t meant to snap like that. She pressed her face to the side of his arm in apology.

“Sorry. I don’t want to go inside. There’s nothing I need.”

He turned so he faced her, placing his finger under her chin so she had no choice but to look up at him.

“Need? No. But want . . .”

She shook her head. “No.” There was no way she was letting him buy her anything more. It didn’t feel right. Like she didn’t deserve the Care Bear. She hadn’t done anything to earn it. She hadn’t been a good Little.

She wasn’t his Little.

“I want to go now.”

Hack stared down at her worriedly. “Greer . . .”

“Please, Hack. It was just . . . memories, you know? It’s hard to return home, and I can only handle one thing at a time.”

“All right, baby. Let’s get you home.” They walked out of the mall, over to where they were both parked. He opened the truck and put the bags in the back while she took off her coat. Then he opened the driver’s side of the truck and lifted her in. Grabbing the seatbelt, he drew it over her.

“Listen up, I have a few rules for the drive home.”

“You like rules, don’t you?”


She sighed. “Rules, schmules.”

“No, not rules schmules.”

“Aren’t they made to be broken?”

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