Page 91 of Saving Daddy

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She reached for her seatbelt, but he brushed her hands away with a firm look. “No.”


“I will buckle your seatbelt.”

“Because I’m incapable of doing it myself? I’ve been doing it a long time.”

“Because I want to ensure it’s done properly. That you’re safe.”


If he kept talking like this . . . she wasn’t sure she would ever recover.

See also: Charming.

But still nuts.

After doing up the seatbelt, he yanked on it to make sure it was properly situated. And she had to press her hands together not to reach for him. Not to grab him and drag him to her so she could kiss him senseless.

She’d never been this attracted to a man in her life.

He was getting under all her defenses to the real Greer. The one that just wanted to curl up in his lap and let him protect her from the big, bad world.

* * *

Hack parkedhis truck in front of the garage.

After they’d both realized that she needed him to stick close to her last night, she’d been much more settled.

She’d sat in front of the television with her coloring and activities book for the evening.

However, he wasn’t stupid enough to think that one night of not worrying meant she was over what had happened.

At least it was another pleasant day. No snowstorm in sight.

Thank fuck. Because she was dealing with enough.

God, she’d been adorable sitting in his oversized T-shirt, giggling at a cartoon as she colored in a huge octopus. She was terrible at coloring, though. She couldn’t stick between the lines to save herself. Which was kind of weird when she was so good at sketching. Although, he’d noticed that when she sketched, she tended to frown a lot and rub at her eyes.

He was starting to have some suspicions about her eyesight.

“Wait there while I come and get you.”

He got out, looking around. He couldn’t help but feel wary of his surroundings now. No one was touching this girl.

You can’t protect her all the time.

He ignored that thought. Walking to the other side of the truck, he opened the back seat first and drew out his leather jacket. Then he moved to her door. He frowned as he opened it and saw she’d already undone her belt.

He supposed that was all right. As long as she didn’t try to get out on her own.

Lifting her down, he wrapped his jacket around her.

“I can’t keep wearing your jacket,” she muttered. “You must be cold.”

“I run hot.”

And even if he didn’t, he’d always ensure her comfort first. He could handle being chilled.

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