Page 9 of Saving Daddy

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Greer tightened her grip on the steering wheel.

It was early in the morning of day three of her trip. She’d set out so excited that she’d get to Billings tonight that she hadn’t bothered to look at the weather forecast.

Or eat any breakfast.

Now, not only was she hungry, but she was also cold because her heater had never really worked.

Plus, the sky was really gray and it was freaking her out.

Her teeth chattered and her stomach rumbled.

Focus, Greer.

She needed food.

Good idea.

See? She had this. She was independent. Capable. Smart.

But she also kind of wished that Aidan was here.

Breathing a sigh of relief, she saw a sign for food at the next exit. She drew over, waving as someone beeped.

Sheesh, people really loved to use their horns nowadays.

Grabbing her handbag, she headed into the restaurant. She ordered some food and coffee—with a bit of help from the server since the menu was all blurry.

Seriously. Who printed a blurry menu?

After a few sips of strong coffee, she started to feel more human. She reached into her handbag to pet Wally, her worm. A stuffed worm, not a real worm. It would be weird to have an actual worm in her bag.

Wally was colorful and slightly fluffy. Not at all like a real worm. But she loved him. Cash made him for her years ago. They’d never had much as kids, but they’d always had each other.

Or so she’d thought.

Her food arrived and she gave the server a small smile of thanks. A pile of pancakes with syrup and whipped cream beckoned.

Before she could eat, though, her phone started ringing. Aidan’s name appeared.

“It’s seven in the morning. Why are you calling?” she asked.

“Greer, where are you?” he asked with a sense of urgency in his tone.

“At a diner, why?”

“Shit. You left your hotel already?”

“Uh, yep. Why? What’s wrong?”

“Squirt, there’s a storm headed toward South Dakota. It wasn’t meant to hit for a few days, but it’s changed and heading in fast.”

“Storm? S-Snowstorm?”

Shit. Shit. Fuck.

Way to sound capable and strong, Greer.

“Yes, sweetheart.”

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