Page 77 of Saving Daddy

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“And if that’s not a good deterrent, I will call the mechanic and ask him to do more work on your car and not allow you to pay for it, either.”

Right. Now he had her.

“Good,” he said. “I think we understand one another.”

Smug asshole had the nerve to tap her on the nose before he walked away, whistling.


And she was sure there was some more pep in his step.

Also . . . she was developing a real hate of the wordallow. That word should be banned from all conversations.

Allowher to pay for something.


She took a sip of coffee and nearly spurted it back out. Cream! She forgot the darn cream.

Shoot. He had her all in a fluster.

She grabbed her napkin, wiping at her mouth as she swallowed the bitter mouthful. Eww, yuck.

As she went to put the napkin down, she managed to knock her fork onto the floor.

Her face went red as several people turned to look at her.

Hello. Yes. Don’t mind me. Just the klutz who’s all flustered because if she leaves the booth, then her babysitter is going to spank her ass in the back of his truck.

Nothing to see here.

A few people gaped at her.

Oh, holy fuck.

She ducked down quickly under the table to hide her flaming face. Had she said that out loud? A small groan escaped her. Was it possible for her to hide under here forever?

Please let it be possible.

A pair of worn sneakers walked up. “Food’s up.” The server left.

Her stomach growled. Damn it. She really wanted to eat.

But she wasn’t getting up from under the table. Nope. Not happening.

A pair of boots appeared. Crap. So much for hiding. Hack crouched down to look at her.

“You okay down there, Tater Tot?” he asked.

“Perfectly fine, thanks.”

“Any reason you’re under the table?” He scowled. “Was someone mean to you?”

That growl in his voice was so hot.

“No one was mean to me. And I can fight my own battles.”

He gave her a skeptical look.

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