Page 73 of Saving Daddy

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To her surprise, he sat on the same side rather than across from her.

“Yeah. Just feeling a bit bad for being so grouchy. Sorry.”

He reached out to take her hand again, squeezing it. “I know you’re upset with me for paying the hotel bill. But that’s something I need to do.”

“I’d understand if I was your girlfriend. But you can’t go around paying for everything for me. That’s not what people do.”

“Isn’t it?”

“Am I ever going to win an argument with you?” she asked.

“Is that what we were doing? Arguing?” he mused.


“All right. I’ll let you pay for something.”

Finally. “What? For breakfast? As well as for my car repairs?”

“Absolutely not.”

Their server returned with some water before she could ask him just what she was allowed to pay for. “What can I get you both to drink?”

Hack glanced down at her.

“Coffee, please.”

“Make that two,” he added. “We’ll be ready to order soon.”

Once the server was gone, she turned to him. “Well? What am Iallowedto pay for?”

Honestly, he was worse than Aidan and she’d thought he was a bossy Neanderthal.

“Hmm, well, I was going to let you pay for your new jacket and boots. But I’m not sure I like your tone. I might have to punish you by not allowing you to pay for anything. At all.”

She gaped at him. “What? You can’t . . . you can’t use that as a punishment.”

“Why not? I think it works well. It’s certainly making you squirm like a naughty Little girl who got her butt spanked.”

He did not just say that.

And, of course, he said it right as their server brought over their coffee.

Shit. She knew her face was bright red. And yeah, she was squirming around on the seat. But that was because she was embarrassed and mad.


Well . . .

“You both ready to order?” the server asked.

“Give us a few more minutes,” Hack requested.

“Be back in two.” She moved away as Hack picked up his menu.

“This conversation isn’t over,” she warned.

“Oh, I think it is, Little girl. And I get the final say. At least until I hand you over to your brother.”

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