Page 57 of Saving Daddy

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Her cries woke him.

They weren’t particularly loud, but he wasn’t a deep sleeper. Sort of came with the territory of being a doctor. He reached for the knife under the pillow beside him as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. There was a glow of light coming from the adjoining room. He’d left the door between their rooms partially open.

He wished he’d had a reason to insist she sleep with him.

That would have been too much, man.

Getting to his feet, he crept toward the door with the knife in his hand. He was pretty certain that there wasn’t a threat. But he wanted to make sure.

All he saw in the room was her lying under a pile of blankets. She seemed to easily feel the cold. She was pretty small, and she’d gone from living in sunny Georgia to ending up in a snowstorm.

He needed to make sure she dressed warmly.

She let out another cry and started thrashing around in the bed.


Hack raced toward the bed, reaching for her when he got there, only to realize he still had the knife in his hand. Setting it down on the bedside table, he grabbed hold of her.

“Greer! Wake up!”

She didn’t stir, but another cry, this one louder, shook him to the core. Fuck. He couldn’t stand to see her in fear. Even if it was a dream.

He shook her gently. “Wake up, Greer! It’s a bad dream, baby!”

Her eyes opened and she stared up at him. He let out a sigh of relief.


Then she let out a chilling scream and dove toward the other end of the bed. But he was still holding her, and she only managed to wrench herself a few inches before letting out a pained cry.

Shit! Of course she was scared. He instantly let go of her and dropped onto his knees on the floor so he wasn’t looming over her.

She’d woken up from a frightening dream to a dark, strange room to find him holding her, bending over her.

Anyone would scream.

“I’m sorry. It’s me. It’s Hack.”

He could hear her sobbing breaths and wanted nothing more than to take her into his arms.

But he didn’t want to scare her any further.

“It’s all right. You’re safe. It was just a dream.” He peered over the bed to find her huddled up against the headboard, staring down at him. Her dark-blond hair was wild around her head, her eyes wide as she stared back at him.

“H-hack?” she asked.

“That’s right. It’s me.” Damn, could he sound more awkward? He cleared his throat. “You’re safe.”

“I . . . I’m . . . nightmare?”


“I woke you.” She sounded upset. Shit. That was the last thing he was concerned about.

“Look at me.”

She met his gaze, her own filled with chagrin.

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