Page 44 of Saving Daddy

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Just not of your balls!

He lightly smacked his head against the wall of the shower.

“I’ll go wait back in my room, then. If you’re sure.”

Damn it. She sounded so lost. He turned off the shower and quickly dried off before getting dressed.

When he walked back into her room, she was lying on her tummy on the bed. The covers were off and over her, wrapped around her head as she stared at the television.

“Sorry about that.”

“There’s nothing you need to apologize for,” she replied in a tight-sounding voice.

Was she coming down with something? She sounded a bit croaky. Maybe he should take her temperature . . . his gaze moved to her butt.

In her ear! Not anywhere else.


He was having issues.

“Are you all right, sweetness?” He kneeled next to her.


“Will you look at me? Please?” While it was worded as a request, it was actually a command. He waited for her to look at him.

Her cheeks were flushed red, and her eyes could only meet his for a moment.

“You look flushed. And you sound a bit off.” Without thinking he placed his hand on her forehead. “Yeah, you feel a bit hot to me. I’m going to take your temperature.”

“I’m fine. Really. Just . . . I’m sorry I knocked on your door like that. I got a fright when you yelled out.”

It was his turn to clear his throat, unable to meet her gaze. “Yeah. Sorry. Thought I saw a . . . spider.”

“Really?” she asked.

“Yep. Didn’t mean to yell so loudly that you heard me from in here.” Although he still didn’t see how that was possible. “And I shouldn’t have snapped at you like I did. I apologize.”

“You’re scared of spiders?” she asked.

“Yep.”Oh, you liar. This one is coming back to bite you in the ass.

Hopefully not literally.

A spider bite on the butt was no joke.

“I would have caught it for you. I don’t mind spiders.” She sat up with the blanket wrapped around her.

“Good to know. I still want to check your temperature. Is your throat sore?”

“No. I’m fine. Really. Believe me, I know what it feels like when I’m coming down with something. I’m always getting sick.”

“You are?”

“Yeah, I have a terrible immune system. I catch everything. Once, I caught two colds at once. That was nasty.”


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