Page 277 of Saving Daddy

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“Um, Daddy?”


“Don’t you want to change?”

He glanced down at himself and grunted. “Right.”

She shared a grin with Cash.

“Don’t change on my account. I like the look,” Cash joked.

Hack took off one of his socks and balled it up before throwing it at him. Cash lay back and laughed.

She found herself grinning so hard that her cheeks hurt. She loved hearing Cash laugh. Seeing Hack have fun.

His aunt was actually doing better. Physiotherapy seemed to be helping a lot and she could communicate more easily. His uncle even thought she’d be coming home soon. Which was a relief.

Hack got dressed, and they all went into the living room to wait for Duke and Aidan, who arrived about ten minutes later.

“Ready?” Duke asked.

She nodded. More than ready.

He put his phone on the table.

“About time,” the Fox answered. “There’s only so much more play this guy has got in him and I’m getting bored. I want to go back to my babies.”

There was a groan in the background.

“Be quiet,” the Fox said. “I’m talking.”

“Jesus, Fox,” Duke muttered.

“What?” the Fox asked, sounding confused.

“So you found the guy?” Hack asked.

“Of course I did. No one hides from me. And I hope for his sake that Diaz’s pet assassin has really left the city for New York, otherwise I’ll be going after him next.”

“He has.” Cash didn’t look too certain, though.

“So do you want to know what I found out or not?” the Fox asked.

“Yes,” Aidan said. He was pacing up and down the room.

“Our friend’s name is Edmund James. And he was definitely the rat. He was double-crossing the Devil and working with the FBI agent. The FBI agent was meant to kill the Devil and then Eddy was going to take over. Only . . . he underestimated the Devil. But this dumbass still thought he could get away with betraying the Devil, so he set someone else up to take the fall. The poor guy that Matthew Jorgen and his friends tortured.”

So that guy was innocent.

She felt ill.

“But the Devil was suspicious of everyone at that point and getting delusional, according to Edmund. Oh, did I mention that Eddy-boy is the brother of the leader of the Devil’s Kingdom? Well, the former leader, I guess, since his brother is dead. Isn’t he, Edmund?”

Edmund made a pain-filled noise that had her flinching.

“You don’t have to be here for this, baby,” Hack whispered.

“I do.” She needed to hear this. She had to know that the danger was over.

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